Eckhart Tolle:
Connecting with the Inner Body
or Finding Your Indestructible Reality

In using the Law of Attraction , we must think of our conscious versus our unconscious or subconscious mind. We seek to put the gatekeeper (conscious mind) to sleep so that we can impress our dreams /vision/goal upon the subconscious mind. In order to connect with our inner body, we must quiet our thoughts.

Eckhart Tolle reminds us that our egoic minds have created suffering on an unimaginable scale, have killed over 100 million humans in the 20th Century, and all around us we see fear, despair, greed and violence. This is insanity. As part of the human collective, we share in this collective insanity brought about by believing and acting on our incessant thinking or mind chatter as Bill Harris calls it.

A Course in Miracles teaches us...
The escape from darkness involves two stages: First, the recognition that darkness cannot hide. This step usually entails fear. Second, the recognition that there is nothing you want to hide even if you could. This step brings escape from fear. When you have become willing to hide nothing, you will not only be willing to enter into communion but will also understand peace and joy.

Eckhart Tolle teaches us that the cure is to observe our mind chatter. This will enable us to seek out the root of the insecurity residing there. Bill Harris agrees that the way to separate from identification with the egoic mind (darkness) and your pain body (fear) is to observe its activity. As the observer we become more "mindful" in the words of Jon Kabat-Zinn, or more "conscious" in the terminology of Eckhart Tolle. We embrace the "being" in Human Being. The goal here is to inhabit our bodies from within, being aware of our deeper selves rather than deriving our sense of identity from our compulsive thinking.

Tolle explains that when your mind is taking up all your attention, you are cut off from Being, and you are not in your body. "The mind absorbs all your consciousness" Eckhart Tolle says, blinding you to truth and light. Yet, the one thing that really matters is awareness of your invisible and indestructible reality through your connection to the vast and sacred Divine Matrix or Source.

So, the question becomes: How do we quiet the mind and make that most valuable connection?

Portals into the Unmanifested From which Chi derives its strength

1) Dreamless sleep connects you with the unmanifested source of healing, timelessness and limitless energy and inspiration .

2) The NOW . The manifested and the ego are inextricably connected to time past and future. Being in the NOW, feeling present moment awareness, allows you to dissolve psychological time. The mind will stop automatically. This cessation of thinking is an opportunity to become aware of the formless essence of yourself and in all things and all creatures.

3) Surrender : As the wicked witch requested of Dorothy. Letting go of mental and emotional resistance to what is . Inner resistance cuts you off from people, from yourself and from the world around you. Resistance strengthens the world of separateness which hardens your form identity. In surrender, your form softens and becomes somewhat "transparent" so the Unmanifested can shine through you.

4) Silence . Between every sound there is silence. The Unmanifested is present in the world as silence. Attend to this silence and the stillness within will grow.

The Separation

How did this happen? How did we decide that we were being evicted from the Garden of Eden? ....

Wait a minute. What do I mean by that? I mean that we were not evicted from the Garden of Eden. This is a matter of mind chatter or perception. We were never evicted. Neither God, Source, the Creator or the Divine Matrix has any interest in Judgment. We were created in the likeness of the Creator. We were meant to have whatever will make us happy. We rejected it. We created time and space and pain and suffering. We did this and continue to do this with our minds. God can only create beauty and light.

We, at Mindbridge-LOA suggest that you open the portals into the Unmanifested because then you can connect with truth, light and love.

In the Garden of Eden there was no fear, no suffering, no want and no privation. There was no greed and no anger. There was no reason to be competitive. There was no better or worse. There was no good and bad. There was no black and white.

All life forms were perfect. And, then, Adam and Eve made that fateful decision to separate from God/Source/Creator.

A 6 year old child I know recently came home distressed. He was miserable, he thought, because his toy was broken. Now, someone had given him a toy, and someone else had taken the toy to look at it. When it was given back to him, it no longer worked. He spent the rest of the afternoon suffering over this. He chose to be wretched and to make everyone around him dismal as well.

Byron Katie says, your unhappiness comes from your story. In the case above, the boy was given a toy. That could bring some children happiness . Apparently, the giver cared enough about the child to give him a gift. Looked at another way, a half hour earlier, he didn't have a toy at all, so to have a partially working toy might be considered better than nothing. Yet, this child chose the story of the toy that no longer worked.


That the gift didn't work for long is an example of entropy. Nothing material lasts forever since the separation. We, as creators, created impermanence.

When we "surrender" as we spoke of above, to change and our inability to control it, we accept change. When we stay in the NOW, we don't have change, but we only have NOW. Without time, future and past, there is no change. Change as a concept is meaningless without time.

Either way, there would have been nothing to be upset about. He was upset because of his story. Without time, there is no story about change.

And, if we consider grownup worries, without time there is no loss. Without time there is nothing to fear. Without time, there is no financial crisis. There is only the NOW. No one had more money yesterday because there was no yesterday. No one would have acted in a greedy way, because there would be no tomorrow for which to accumulate wealth.


True salvation, Eckhart Tolle reminds us is joy, love, fulfillment and peace . We find it when we remember that the separation was merely an illusion. We find it within, not without.

We find it when we learn to control those portals and walk through. We find it when we learn to control our stories.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Stremmel is the co-owner and developer of , the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction. She is a writer, licensed Social Worker, educator, artist and therapist. She believes that everyone can make the Law of Attraction work for them.

She has written several articles on Eckhart Tolle. They can be found at the Law-of-Attraction-blog .