Colonic Irrigation - Is It For You?

Colonic Irrigation or Colon Hydrotherapy is one of the latest fads to storm America, or is it? Apparently, this procedure has been around since 1500 B C. It is believed that the art of the high enema or colonic was passed down from the Gods to the Egyptians. Dr. Kellogg reported in the 1917 Journal of American Medicine that in the treatment of gastrointestinal disease in over 40,000 cases, he used surgery in only twenty cases.

Colonic therapy is believed to be a safe and effective method of removing toxins from the large intestine by introducing purified water into the colon for internal cleansing. This process allows the excavation of putrified waste and toxins from the intestine, thus improving the overall function of the colon.

There are an estimated 5,000 colon therapist operating in the United States alone. The procedure is also very popular in other countries such as Europe and Asia. According to some therapists, clients range from ages 9 and up, and more women than men seem to be getting the service. There are many medical, chiropractic, acupuncture and naturopathic doctors who prescribe colon hydrotherapy as an adjunct to treatment.

Colon Hydrotherapy equipment should be manufactured and registered with the FDA while meeting all guidelines and compliances. The equipment should meet all local and state ordinances as well. Therapist should use disposable speculums for ultimate safety and the water should be purified. Modern equipment features temperature controlled water mixing and back flow prevention valves and pressure and temperature sensors.

Colonic therapy is believed to respond well to many conditions. Listed are but a few conditions: allergies, arthritis, attention deficit disorder , asthma, autointoxication body odor, brittle hair, bile, constipation, chronic fatigue, cold hands and feet, colitis, colonoscopy, chest pain, diarrhea, fibromyalgia, fecal impactions, following pregnancy , gall stones, hypertension, headaches, insomnia, intestinal toxemia, joint pains, memory loss, muscle pains, muscular sclerosis, mucus, mouth sores, pot belly, poor posture, peripheral neuropathies, parasites, sigmoidoscopy, skin rashes, and weight loss .

Colonic sessions last about 45 minutes to an hour. The average person is believed to carry around an extra 10 to 50 pounds of toxic waste throughout the body with most of the waste concentrated in the colon. Some therapist think that 3 sessions in one week yields best results.With the threat of new degenerative disease agents and lifestyles, the need for some type of colon cleansing therapy is welcomed. In conclusion, it is very important for everyone to be concerned about their health and to research and study as much as possible any health or holistic issue prior to use. So, I dare ask- is it for you?

Author's Bio: 

Deborah Imani is founder of the Nile Wellness Center in Atlanta, Georgia where she specializes in colon therapy or colonic irrigation. You can visist her website @ or contact her at .