Change…it seems to be the buzz word of 2008. Only having just stepped over the threshold of this New Year, we need only to pick up a newspaper or turn on the television to feel the swelling energy of change making its powerful presence known!

Watching what was has been transpiring in the country just south of where I live; I couldn’t help but be drawn in to the energetic campaigns for change! I was inspired to see these potential new leaders emerge with a passionate dedication and unwavering belief in themselves and their mission to bring about changes for the future. We can feel their words coming directly from their heart and soul and this connection is so powerful that we collectively witnessed history in the making!

What changes are you hoping to make this year?

Traditionally, the dawn of a New Year causes many of us to take stock of our lives, look at the areas where we want to make changes and create resolutions that not only support these changes but hopefully lead to the fulfillment of what seems to be a more global resolution…more peace and happiness in our lives.

Change is in the air for 2008 and the opportunity is here for each one of us to become aware of and make the inner changes that will not only support our resolutions, but are necessary to carry them through this year and beyond. We can break free from the familial and societal cycles that came before us and begin creating new legacies that can make history in our own families !

Peace …Happiness… Family Harmony

When our children are born, we melt into the connection of love, peace and contentment that they come wrapped in and to hold onto this heart and soul connection is the best gift we can give to ourselves and our children.

Parenting , teaching and living from this connected place; emotionally, physically and spiritually – we will be the role models our children need while experiencing so much more love, fun, balance and harmony; reducing the stress, power struggles and frustrations in every aspect of our lives.

Our children arrive fully connected to what we are all searching for and if we allow them to show us the way; our lives will be forever changed.Our kids are waiting for us to connect…how connected are you?

Millions of tiny voices in the world are collectively asking for change and they need our help…can we hear them? Make 2008 the year to empower yourself to be the best inspirational leader and role model you can be for your children by re-igniting your heart and soul connection and make history in your family .

Re-connect and change your life in 2008!

Connection…the heart and soul of parenting

Author's Bio: 

As an author, speaker and awareness/life coach, Jo-Anne Cutler has become a passionate voice for children by building the awareness of what we are teaching them by our example and following her vision to inspire and empower others to be the connected parents, teachers and role models our children need them to be. She has created an audio program called Breaking the Cycle, is in the process of writing her own book (scheduled release early 2008), is a certified life coach using The Inner Workout™ program and is also the author of several published articles and co-author of 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, Vol. 2. She offers personal/telephone consultations, seminars, and a free monthly e-newsletter, opening hearts to the harmony that we all desire in our homes, our classrooms and in our lives; one connection at a time. For more information, please visit