There is a so much upheaval on our world right now. Humanity is working through war, hunger, poverty and enslavement and working to remove those patterns from our world. The Aligning in Harmony meditation is created to change the focus and move energy to:

1. help those people who are trapped in patterns that are not beneficial

2. help shift the focus of our world to a more positive energy

3. help you participate in a meditation that will uplift you and our world.

There are those of you who often send energy and healing to specific locations of to our world to help move the upheaval and domination into better and more evolved place. Today, as you work with this Global Meditation , please thank these people for their courage and help. Show them that they are truly the last beings left and that all has been accomplished. You can help bring their motivations to rest, by taking them through the site to see that all is now clear and they are free to go into their next passages.

Now it is the time to help in these phases of healing. In the energies of blessing, we can move and uplift these energies without harm to the process of evolution. As we do the next meditation , we have shown honor and acknowledgment to all concerned. This also shows "Spirit" that we honor the whole process of our being and the being of others. If we aspire to create a world of blessing, this one aspect proves we are capable of doing so.

The vibration we will send for this meditation is harmony. Harmony is the honoring of all voices blended into a fulfilling wholeness. This is a vibrational frequency of acknowledgment and inclusion. No being is excluded from the harmony of the Divine. All are honored, appreciated and accepted. Do not add anything to this vibrational stream. As you encounter each energy and each being, attune yourself to the vibrational streams of harmony. Show them this stream and allow and encourage them to add their voices to the harmony.

Some beings may join right in. Others may need time and may simply want to be present. Others may need to see or hear or feel where their voice may fit into the vibrational energies of harmony. If they ask for your help, show them the place in this stream where their voice fits perfectly. Allow them to add their voice as they see fit, without judgment or teaching. Allow them to move into harmony in their way. Do not attune any being, any soul or any system or grid line. Vibrate the essence of harmony and allow, allow, allow.

We will begin our meditation by focusing on the hot spots of our World that are often the locations for distress or upheaval. These are the acupuncture points for this event and for global transition. Gently and slowly, move your being to vibrate to a level of harmony that is comfortable for you. Imagine that an aspect of yourself is standing in these sites and vibrating, like a plucked guitar string, to the essence of harmony.

Hold this energy and position for a minimum of five minutes or throughout the twenty minute meditation.

There is no need to do more than this. The vibrational patterning of harmony will enter the acupuncture points and travel exactly where it is needed. If you are guided to bring this vibration of harmony to other places or other awarenesses, remember to simply vibrate to the essence of harmony. There is nothing to send. There is nothing to do but hold the sweetness of harmony within you.

When you have completed the twenty minute meditation, gently let the energies move into the whole and then relax into your normal day"s events. In this meditation, less is more. The vibrational frequencies of honor and harmony are all.

If you plan to meditate further at this time, please release the resonance of harmony, extend blessings to the process and break with this stream. Then, move to your next aspect of meditation. Please do not incorporate any other energies or techniques with this particular meditation. Doing so will confuse and alter this particular vibrational pattern. To be clear on this, do not add chants, call in guides, work to blend these energies with anything else, call in friends in spirit or add any other practices. This meditation is designed to hold the purest essence of harmony. It is important to hold the templates for this meditation in the exact manner they were designed.

You may also include the resonance of harmony in your own person disciplines. This resonance, in and of itself, is a remarkable gift and delightful experience. The effortlessness of this energy can truly create miracles in your personal life and the lives of others.

Please send this meditation to as many people as possible to bring us all to another level in our joyous and honoring participation in blessing. Also, please email me to share your experiences in this meditation.

Shalka Matista - I celebrate the pathways of Divine flow.Lumari

Author's Bio: 

Lumari is a spiritual teacher, channel, psychic and author. In her book “Akashic Records: Collective Keepers of Divine Expression,” Lumari, channels direct communication with the Akashic and reveals the great body of wisdom within their care. Her book, "Alawashka, Language of Creation," is a compelling exploration of humanity, universal healing and spiritual awakening. To learn more about Lumari's books, workshops and consultations, visit .

Lumari is also SelfGrowth's Official Guide to Akashic Records. Additional Resources covering Akashic Records can be found at:

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