Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and if harnessed correctly, you will be able to align your inner world with your outer world. By exposing yourself to more of what you would like to achieve in the outer world, your inner world will similarly be reinforced.

The key difference in attitudes of the wealthy and the less so is in the way they think and behave. How you think is reflected in your inner world, whilst your behavior is how you express in your outer world. Hence, your actions are important as they create subconscious impressions of your status. Here are a few ways how you can create congruence between your inner and outer world, and so achieve greater wealth.

1) Your Choices

Your actions and choices will create the environment around you, which will either spell out wealth, or poverty. By choosing to use the best quality products that are necessary, you are subconsciously telling your mind that you can afford it and that you are superior. This is not the same as simply over spending, or buying more than what you need. It is about aligning your inner and outer world, so that you satisfy your needs in a way that maximizes your utility.

2) Don’t Waste Money

Often, you find yourself buying a cheaper substitute for a product that you really want. Whilst an off the rack mp3 player may serve the same function as an Ipod, for example, the utility you derive from and Ipod is much higher. You will feel dissatisfied with your mp3 player, and this unhappiness that you experience may eventually motivate you to buy the real McCoy so as to satisfy your need. By buying what you would prefer in the first place, you will save on the money that you have spent buying repeated products.

3) Your Mindset

Those who are less well off are unwilling to spend money on the items that they would like to possess, because they are afraid. On the other hand, the wealthy do not limit their minds in this way, and hence obtain greater satisfaction. When you are happier with what you have, you will send forth vibes that attract even more happiness in life. Like attracts itself; this does not mean wasteful spending, it is simply spending where necessary.

Your environment plays a big part in affecting your subconscious mind. Your surroundings will impress upon your mind that you are wealthy or poor, and by surrounding yourself with symbols of wealth you will create the same conditions in reality. Hence, there is a match in your inner and outer world.

Whilst you may not be able to avoid signs of poverty, you can create greater focus on wealth by focusing on signs of abundance . Placing yourself in environments where you are able to relate to the rich will help you to achieve this congruence. When you can fully master the subconscious mind to work in your favor, you will be able to generate sound plans and executable ideas to achieve greater wealth.

Author's Bio: 

Greg Frost is an authority figure in the subconscious mind field and director of ChargedAudio, a company that provides a variety of subliminal cds for self improvement. Grab your free "Ultimate Success Unleashed" Subliminal Cd today at