Hysterectomy is the most frequently performed non-obstetric surgery in many countries. The surgery removes the uterus and sometimes the cervix and supporting tissues as well. It is generally recommended in case of common indications like fibroids, uterine prolapse, abnormal uterine bleeding, etc. In short, hysterectomies are performed majorly due to benign gynecological reasons.

In the United States, the most common indication for hysterectomy among women ( aging 15 years and above) was uterine leiomyoma that accounted for 41% of all the hysterectomies. This is followed by endometriosis --17.7%, uterine prolapse -- 14.5%, and uterine cancer -- 9.2%. Nearly 500,000 women in the United States undergo hysterectomy each year.One in three women has the procedure by the age of 60.

Major Benefits of Hysterectomy

• It can correct serious issues like endometriosis or uterine prolapse
• It improves the quality of life
• It can save a life

Despite the pros, the surgery can have some adverse effects on the physical and socio-psycho health, specifically on young, pre-menopausal women. Sadly, once a woman undergoes this surgery, she will no longer be able to get pregnant.

Fortunately, most hysterectomies are not emergency surgeries. Hence, a woman gets ample time for discussion with her doctor and rethink about the options. Here, we discuss the most common reasons why a woman may need a hysterectomy.

Uterine Fibroids

One of the most common reasons why hysterectomy is done is because of fibroids in the uterus. Uterine fibroids are benign non-cancerous tumors that develop in the smooth muscle tissues of the uterus. Since these do not easily produce any symptoms, many women may not even know they have uterine fibroids. In any case, these can cause heavy bleeding or pain.


The second most common reason is endometriosis. It is a benign condition that affects the uterus needing a hysterectomy. In this condition, the endometrial tissue (inner lining of the uterus) starts to grow outside the uterus or on the nearby organs. Endometriosis can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, painful menstrual periods, and even loss of fertility.

Uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a benign condition in which the uterus moves from its original place downwards into the vagina.This usually happens due to stretched and weak tissues leading to pelvic pressure, urinary problems, or bowel movement difficulty. Other factors that contribute to uterine prolapse are loss of estrogen, obesity , and childbirth.


Cancers of the female reproductive organs account for about 10% of all hysterectomies. Some of the most common cancers that require hysterectomy are uterine sarcoma, endometrial cancer, cervical cancer, and cancer of the fallopian tubes or ovaries. Although, the doctor will first recommend other modes of treatments such as hormonal therapy or radiation. Depending upon the type and extent of cancer, a woman may be recommended a hysterectomy.


In this condition, the lining of the uterus becomes too thick and can cause abnormal bleeding. The reason is an elevated level of estrogen.

The Last Word

Before planning to go undergo the major surgery, make sure your physician does a careful diagnosis that follows the protocol of recommending a hysterectomy. Although the risks involved are the lowest of all the major procedures, a woman should have a thorough discussion with her physician regarding all the pros and cons along with what to expect before and after the surgery. Being informed about any surgery will give good outcomes.

Author's Bio: 

My self Sonia, and I am a health and fitness blogger.