No matter how stressful the bygone year has been for you, this new year is another story and another opportunity to make the best out of your life. Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions that, if you follow will lead to a stress-free year ahead.

Assess, Evaluate, and Modify- Assess the reasons for your being stressed last year. Was it work pressure, family pressure, or the side-effect of the wrong lifestyle? It is of extreme importance that you are aware of the causes in order to look for solutions this year.

Evaluate whether you exaggerated the cause of stress instead of looking for an alternative solution- did you take the easy way out and moped around instead of taking charge and meeting the problem head on? How would you modify your situation so that you do not carry the burden of stress this year?

Develop a Hobby- Did you play the violin back in school or maybe a good run would cool you off. It has been studied that people who regularly indulge in any type of hobby, are less likely to get stressed. If you can take up a hobby that includes being active, it’s a definite plus since you are getting a workout, which again is great for stress.

Set Goals- Although, you cannot control all the lemons life throws at you, there are a lot of major life-altering decisions that you can predict and tackle. List down what your goals are in terms of work, health, relationship, and life in general. Do you want to buy a new house this year or get married? Make sure that each of your goals are well planned and thought of in advance, along with being backed up by financial resources (wherever needs be).

Do one good thing every month- Small positive changes in life can make a huge difference. It is no secret that doing well for others give you a sense of satisfaction and inner peace . Keep a journal and make a list of what you are planning to do for others, or better still keep a schedule ready. On a particular day of every month, you will go visit an orphanage, donate some money, help out in the public kitchen, spend some time in an old age home, or anything that you can think of. In fact, you should see around yourself, who do you think needs some sort of help that you can provide? Charity does begin at home.

Write a quarterly letter to yourself- This is a great self-introspection exercise . Every three months, write a letter addressed to yourself stating which pre-determined goals you have achieved, what positive changes you have made in your life, what adjustments need to be made, what your next plan of action is, and most importantly has the quality of your life improved in the past 3 months- if yes, how do you wish to maintain the same, and if no, what necessary steps do you need to take now?

Stress is not an action; it is your reaction to an adverse situation. Whether you choose to fret about things that aren’t going your way or change your course, the choice is up to you.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Mulyadi Kurnia. I am a practitioner of meditation and yoga and has been experiencing the benefits of the practices. Having gone through the periods of stress and anxiety myself, I know first hand of how unpleasant this experience could be. Through this article, I intend to share my knowledge and experience on stress-related topics. For more information on stress management tips, visit ,