What can businesses do to support their teams in 2023 (and beyond)?

That’s a million-dollar question. With so many rapid developments unraveling all at once, separating relevant information from general advice may prove challenging indeed.

The two major areas to address are the shortage of frontline workforce and digitalization trends (which are not always for the better).

It goes without saying that neither problem is easily resolved. A suitable, adaptable strategy is necessary in this regard. We’ll be listing some of the most notable areas below, so read on!

Choosing the Right Tech
New technologies can make or break a business. Neither too much innovation nor manual processes are recommended. Businesses need to need a perfect mixture of old and new approaches in an attempt to streamline what can be streamlined seamlessly.

Every hectic workplace can benefit greatly from selective automation, whereas hybrid work models require reliable connectivity and communication tools. Neither is going anywhere, so the sooner these matters are addressed, the better.

However, the chief insight to keep in mind here is that new tech should be deployed to ease processes and connectivity. As such, it mustn’t be overly complicated as to not demotivate the workforce. Deployment of new software should always be accompanied by adequate training, which should be as concise as possible and not overload learners.

All of this is to say that only necessary tools should be used. Some departments are in dire need of new tech, while others are doing just fine as they are. Typically, the areas that can benefit from advanced software include team management, project management, time-tracking, goal-setting, onboarding, and training.

E.g., measuring the effectiveness of your training is best performed by building impactful assessments, which can, in itself, make use of new tech. Analytics, as a rule, is difficult to turn into actionable insights and this is exactly where new tech may fit in.

Personalized Learning
Providing personalized learning is closely linked to the abovementioned point, so here’s an idea: try an innovative approach.

Simply choosing what appears to be the best eLearning platform shouldn’t be your goal. Rather, focus on innovative methodologies that help both learning and assessment, such as is the Kirkpatrick model.

The Kirkpatrick model comprises four tiers — reaction, learning, behavior , and results. Overall, it’s a complex methodology that can turn learners into experts with a proper approach.

Another approach to consider is the Training for Impact (TFI) model. TFI courses can be customized to meet specific organizational goals as they comprise 12 steps :
Identifying business needs and clients
Forming a collaborative relationship
Conducting initial project meeting
Conducting performance assessment
Conducting cause analysis
Tabulating and interpret data
Reporting results to client
Designing an evaluation system
Designing a tracking system
Conducting training
Reporting to the client

Lastly, there’s the Success Case Method, which assesses how training affects your business goals. The model comprises 5 steps:
Focusing and planning
Creating an impact model defining “success”
Designing and distributing a survey to search for best and worst cases of program success
Interviewing the participants
Preparing a report of the findings

Hire a Fractional Executive
Integrating processes and bringing alignment are one of the main challenges of the modern workplace. That’s why hiring fractional executives is trendy.

Shortly put, if you want to bring your business to the next level, consider hiring a fractional executive . These people are versatile and multi-skilled and can work wonders in multiple departments.|

Who is a fractional executive (a.k.a. an integrator)?

The term “integrator” was coined by Gino Wickman in his best-selling business books “Traction and Rocketfuel.” You typically learn about integrators when implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) as a management practice for your company.

“An Integrator is a person who is the tie-breaker for the leadership team, is the glue for the organization, holds everything together, beats the drum (provides cadence), is accountable for the P&L results, executes the business plan, holds the Leadership Team accountable, and is the steady force in the organization.”
(EOS Worldwide).

Fractional executives provide businesses with effective ways to increase organizational agility in no time. To this end, integrators employ leadership, agile methodologies, and advanced prioritizing methods.

Help Your Workforce Stay Organized
Effective and timely team communication is essential for every business. That’s why you should make sure to establish effective channels for interaction between all employees and supervisors.

There are fundamentally three forms of corporate communication:
Communication via email
Communication via messengers
Communication via project management apps

You should also pick the most suitable tools for meetings on various levels.

The matter goes beyond mere communication. The latter has a more fundamental role: fostering trust. Better communication leads to better connections between people. In the long run, the practice will transform your workplace into a thriving culture driven by diversity.

All of these tips should jointly serve a grater goal: making your employees satisfied with their jobs. Need we say that an engaged workforce is the first prerequisite for business success?

Make sure to identify the needs of your organization as well as personal goals to ensure long-term business success by empowering your workforce.

Author's Bio: 

Angela Ash is a professional editor and writer, who likes to focus on mental health, travel and business.