To attract loyal followers to your blog, practice the simple blogging tips described below:

Share your blog contents

People visit websites or blogs when there is something they want to check out. Do not be ashamed to toot your own horn. Let your followers on Twitter of Facebook know when you have updated your blog. Ask them to visit your blog, read your post and leave a comment.

Be a consistent blogger

An inconsistent blog will not attract loyal followers. People may forget you exist if you blog this month and next month they do not see any of your blog post. Set a day and time when you post on your blog. When you are consistent with your blog posts, you will keep your audience hungry for more.

Post contents people want

Unless you are a celebrity, people are not interested to know about how you are in sore pain because your dog Sophia died last night. People have serious issues that need solutions. People are attracted to blog articles that answer their questions or help them deal with a struggle they could be facing. For instance, if you are selling beauty products, people in your market may want to know how to deal with resistant acne. Do research and write articles that can provide solutions and answers. Post that argues a point of view, list tips and interviews with experts have proven to attract followers. Remember to write short and clear post that will not take visitors a long time to read and understand.

Build a blog tour

To attract loyal followers to your blog you can embark on a blog tour. A blog tour is just like an artist who goes around different towns, cities and countries to showcase their music talents. If you want to get people talking about your goods or services go on a blog tour. Find other bloggers who are in your niche market and ask to write a blog post for them or if they can do an interview about you and your services. Prepare free gifts to offer those who will comment on your post or interviews. You will be helping other bloggers to attract new followers and attracting new followers to your site and thus creating new business relationships in tandem.

There are many other sure-fire ways to attract loyal followers to your blog. You just have to take some time and learn about them.

Author's Bio: 

Debra Kasowski is a transformational speaker, author, and success coach. Debra is also the Founder/CEO of The Millionaire Woman Club. Debra Kasowski is best-selling co-author of GPS Your Best Life: Charting Your Destination and Getting There in Style and soon to be released author of The Entrepreneurial Mom's Guide to Growing a Business, Raising a Family, and Creating a Life You Love (Spring 2013). Get you Free Mp3 Download of the 7 Resolutionary Breakthroughs to Profit and Prosper by Taking Charge of Your Business and Your Life when you sign up for her ezine