The key to enjoying life is good health. One cannot enjoy wealth, success at business, creative expression or a loving relationship without taking care of their health first. Do not procrastinate because of youth, lack of time or good genes. Everyone needs to start good habits early in life.

Medical and Dental Check-upsHopefully your parents took care of this for you as a child. Now it is time to take care of yourself. Schedule regular appointments with your primary care physician and dentist. The world is full of stories about unexpected and “no symptom” illnesses that were caught early because of having annual physicals or check-ups.

Eat Basic FoodsOne does not have to spend tons of money on fancy foods and supplements in order to achieve optimal health. Eat fiber rich foods to prevent blood sugars from spiking. Eat fish, nuts, and a variety of green vegetables to keep your body healthy. Drink plenty of water, unsweetened teas, and avoid processed and high sugar foods. Eat healthy meats such as free-range poultry, grass-fed beef, and venison. If tolerable, try intermittent fasting 18 to 24 hours a couple times a week.

Exercise Daily
Instead of joining a gym or promising to exercise three times a week and then breaking the promise, just incorporate some kind of exercise daily. Why is daily best? Because it becomes a habit. A short, brisk walk around the block each morning or evening is better than aerobic classes that get skipped or attended sporadically. Also, the exertion and intensity is more important than the length of the exercise . Don't get hung up on watching the clock to do an hour on the treadmill; a fast walk, swinging the arms for 20 minutes is better.

Take Breaks in Life
Vacations are necessary. Don't be a workaholic, or deny yourself breaks, days off and vacations. They relieve stress, increase happiness and rejuvenate the body. Don’t cheat yourself, treat yourself and recharge your battery.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Shewprashad is a weight loss and lifestyle consultant. He bases everything off of proven scientific methods and his clients get great results.

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