Every mom wants more me time. In fact some mom tell me they don't remember when they last had some! Luckily, there are some sneaky ways that you can find and enjoy some well deserved time by yourself. Here are just a few ideas:

1) Create an alone time or me time hour each day. Perhaps it's in the afternoon before it's time to cook dinner. Set an egg timer for 60 minutes and set a rule that everyone goes to their room to enjoy some alone time. You yourself can read, do yoga , meditate, take a nap (depending on the age of your kids) or have a bath,Jjust be sure you do something that re-energizes and revitalizes you - don't give into the temptation to do laundry!

2) Schedule me time in once a month. Get out your online calendar, such as google calendar or a lovely one you hang in your kitchen and literally schedule in an evening of alone time for yourself. This way, your hubby will know he's on his own to put the kids to bed. I like going to a hotel lounge or coffee house to read or write in my journal. I also love having a warm bath with essential levendar oil then listening to a personal growth book or podcast in bed. Be sure to return the favour and let your hubby have a night off too. When he experiences how nice it is, he'll gladly return the favour!

3) Schedule a playdate. While your children are off having fun with their friends you can go window shopping, clothes shopping or just have a long nap. I love doing this every once in a while. As soon as I close the door I get giddy and do a little skip! I adore my son, but we all know that the demands of being a mom can really use up a lot of your energy store,s so this is a great way to replenish yourself.

The key to all three of these sneaky ideas is that first you must value yourself for all that you do. It may seem silly of me to say this but in order for you to have me time you have to give it to yourself. It won't magically appear...sorry! So, try these and other sneaky ways to find me time. You'll be the most relaxed mom on the block if you do.

Author's Bio: 

Erin Kurt, B.Ed, spent 16 years as a teacher and nanny around the world. Now, she applies her expertise as a parenting expert and author of Juggling Family Life and The Life Balance Formula and How to Get Your Child to Listen program.