Is your anger destroying your relationships around you and causing your quality of life to down spiral? So what is anger? Anger is a feeling, an emotional state when you feel annoyed or you can fly into rage. What actually caused it is when you are met with scenarios that you do not like or agree with.

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion of humans. It is only when anger gets out of control, it starts to affect your work, relationships and the quality of your life. So what are the solutions to stop you from flying into a rage and do something or said something that you would later regret?

10 Anger management tips

One step back - Always take a step back from situations when you feel the area is hostile. When you are angry at someone you are talking to, take a step back to remind yourself to relax and be calm. Why stepping back help? By stepping back you leave the "hostile area" mentally and allow yourself space to cool down. When you are near somebody you are arguing with, you tend to have bigger reactions that may lead to fights. Will you stand in an area where bullets are flying?

Deep breathing - Take 3 deep breath and focus on the breath that you exhale through your mouth. Taking deep breaths help you to stay calm and sane.

TIE - TIE stands for take it easy. Keep repeating to yourself to take it easy and picture the words. It would be better to incorporate with deep breathing for better results.

Time Out! - Arguing with someone? Is the situation getting out of hand? Most probably both of you are not too calm and in the right mind to talk about anything. Ask for a time out, take whatever time off you feel that is appropriate and bring yourself to a level where you are calm and relax before you talk about anything.

Exercise - Go exert yourself. Jog, swim, hit the gym or whatever exercise that you prefer. Exercising allows you to release the stress and frustration that is locked in the body. Let the steam out to ease the pressure.

Anger log - Keep a book on recording your anger. Find out the patterns and triggers that lead you to feel angry. Once you identify the problem, you can then find a solution.

Pause button - Decide an action that will be your pause button. An example would be to imagine a button on your forehead. When you are angry, press the pause button and Stop! This action will allow you time to think and make a conscious decision.

Avoid extreme words - Avoid words such as "always" or "never" . "They are always finding fault with me" or "They never even help me once before". These words are mostly not true and using this words can help to self convince you and cause the situation to worsen.

10 funny counts - Forget about the old fashioned "count to 10 you are fine" talk. Use the 10 funny counts instead. When you are angry, just count( repeat after me ) "1 funny clown, 2 funny pig, 3 funny bananas, 4 funny red nose boss, 5 funny short giraffe... etc. Our brain works better with pictures, when you say something funny, you will tend to imagine it in the mind. Don't believe me? Lets try. Don't think of a pink elephant with black polka dots. What is in your mind?

Visualization - The theory behind this tip is the same as tip number 9. Visualize something funny you are angry at. Are you angry with your boss because he yelled at you for something that you didn't do. Now look at him hard and come out with a big mental picture. Picture him fatter, balloon him up, put a pair of dorky spectacles on him, a big red nose and he kept falling over when he is yelling. Are you able to get angry at the new mental picture of your boss now? Hard to do, I believe.

Author's Bio: 

A blogger who blog about personal development and helping others to achieve results in life.