Drupal is software that allows a user to manage, organize and publish several contents on massive websites quite easily. The software is more of a ‘Content Management System’ that proves to be of great help for competitive firms for creating a good brand image with the help of creating blogs as well as posting news on social networking websites. Not many in the current market scenario hold the perfection in the art of converting PSD to Drupal as it takes a lot in terms of efforts for displaying Drupal just like an ordinary Photoshop document.

Drupal consists of pre-loaded features like blogging platform, account privileges, customizable layouts, menus, forums, RSS-Feeds and user registration. Drupal proves to be perfect weapon for the firms who wish to create a powerful website with integrated features like video-audio streaming, forum, directories, video sharing and many latest features.

Benefits to Convert PSD to Drupal
• Customized Button Images
• Hand coded W3C Valid XHTML/CSS
• Quick and consistent service
• Properly structured XHTML/CSS
• Efficient coding that helps in SEO operations
• Cross platform and browser supportable

As mentioned earlier, it takes a team of highly qualified and experienced programmers who can convert PSD to Drupal themes, which are compatible with all platforms and Drupal modules. Drupal is written in PHP and acts as a backend system for different websites, blogs and even for different WebPages that you see in the internet. Now a day’s most of the large conglomerates in the market want their website to be much more interesting, which is why they use Drupal to manage their corporate websites. Conversion of a design into Drupal is quite a challenge even if you are using a template.

IT firms convert Image to Drupal so that they maintain a balance between the looks and the working of a firm’s website as Drupal is much of a back-end operation. The content posted on a website that helps in improving the visibility of the same is managed in a professional manner with the help of Drupal. One can find several ways to convert PSD into Drupal on the internet in the form of videos and other documents but it requires much more than understanding to do the same. Professional with knowledge of HTML may find it convenient to convert PSD to HTML but it takes thorough knowledge and understanding of PHP to make the conversion to Drupal.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a highly professional and an experienced Content writer who publishes for Business Development. Visit at http://www.xhtmldevelopers.com/ to know more about PSD to HTML .