People phobia or social anxiety is one of the most common forms of phobia. About 20% of the population is suffering from this condition ranging from mild to extreme cases. If you find yourself sweating, palpitating, getting anxious and nervous every time you need to interact with people, you may be suffering from social anxiety as well.

Causes of Social Anxiety

There are a variety of reasons why one would suffer from social anxiety . It can be due to past experiences that tampered their behavior and outlook in life forever. Here are some of the most common causes of social anxiety:

• Behavioral reasons – as mentioned above, a common cause for social anxiety is past experiences that brought about such behavior . For example, if one has been caught in a social situation before like a party and he felt embarrassed and humiliated during the pain, he may associate such negative feelings towards such situations in the future. He will worry that the same ill feeling will be experienced when he attends another party.

• Thinking methods – some people developed a method of thinking that allows them to feel social anxiety. For example, people who suffer from this condition will think that everything they do is being scrutinized by the public and one thing they do wrong can lead to embarrassment and further scrutiny from colleagues. This method of thinking makes one develop poor self esteem and have negative beliefs about their capabilities.

• Genetic reason – it is also believed that social anxiety is caused by genetics. If someone from your family experienced this before, it is highly likely that you or other family members will, too.

Hypnotherapy for Social Anxiety

With the evolution of treatments and therapy methods to treat social anxiety disorder, many medical practitioners and experts have developed various means to treat and manage the problem. One of the safest, non-invasive methods to treat this condition is hypnotherapy. Many people attest to its effectiveness and how it improved not just their condition but their life as whole.

The basis of hypnotherapy is that many events and experiences in our lives are intertwined with certain physical and emotional reactions. Therefore, when we experience the same event or incident, those physical and emotional reactions, whether positive or negative, are reactivated. The main objective of hypnotherapy is to separate those memories and associated feelings. This way, sufferers will be able to dissociate any negative feelings each time he experiences the same events that can lead to social anxiety.

Hypnotherapy has provided people phobia sufferers with a convenient, safe, and non-invasive method to treat their condition making it one of the leading methods to treat the condition.

Author's Bio: 

Neil Harris believes that hypnotherapy for weight loss is an excellent method for treatment of these kind of disorders. Following the same path Adam Cumberland a leading London Harley Street based hypnotherapist has given a new direction to hypnotherapy London . He has also provides treatment to problems like social anxiety disorder , people phobia and social phobia.