It was a beautiful day in Costa Rica, the sun was shining and I was on the back of a beautiful horse named Diablo. I had been horseback riding numerous times before with no problems, so I wasn’t prepared for what would happen next.

As Diablo and I hit full stride galloping across an open pasture between two majestic mountain peaks, Diablo stepped into a hole and I suddenly found myself tumbling to the ground along with the horse. Wincing in pain, my shoulder separated and rib cracked I looked at Diablo. He was lying on the ground bleeding from the nose.

I got my leg out of the stirrup and Diablo rose to his feet. I breathed a sigh of relief because the horse would be okay. Then real panic struck, in pain I reached for my Blackberry, which was nowhere in sight. What was I going to do? All my contacts and connections to the outside world were suddenly lost.

It was time to get focused! I stepped back for a moment and looked at the rancher who was riding with us. I noticed that he had a cell phone attached to his belt. Every time I leave the country to travel or speak I purchase a phone card in case of an emergency. Well if there ever was an emergency this was it! I pulled out the calling card from my wallet and borrowed the rancher’s phone to call my Blackberry.

Suddenly in a wide open field that had not been cut except by grazing cattle for over 100 years I heard the sweet sound of my Blackberry. Now on my hands and knees I looked through the brush and found my life again. With Blackberry in hand I got back on the horse and continued to ride for three hours, after all I didn’t want to ruin the ride for everyone.

When I got back to the states it hit me! Millions of people in the US and abroad had just fallen off their horse. Whether they had just lost their job due to the recession or went through a bad breakup in a relationship or even divorce there was a crisis out there and if those individuals wanted to be successful they needed to get back on the horse.

After 30 years of marriage Sarah a successful educator, interior designer and mother fell off her horse! Sarah’s husband decided he didn’t want to be married anymore, she felt alone in the world with no job and little technical knowledge. In fact Sarah found herself in the middle of one of the toughest job markets in history starting her life from scratch.

I received a call from Sarah asking if I could be of help. I thought about Diablo and the steps I had taken to overcome that negative situation enabling me to get back on the horse and enjoy the ride.

If you have fallen off your horse or are looking to take a different direction in life you can excel in tough times if you follow these five steps.

Step One: Get Focused on What You Want!

Opportunities are all around you; in fact most of us are so busy putting out fires that we miss the opportunities that surround us daily. If you knew you could not fail at anything you attempted what would you do?

Step Two: Focus on Your Strengths and Get Training on Your Weaknesses

We should always use our best qualities to attain success; however with the flood of overqualified people in the marketplace you must improve your skills, especially computer skills and communication skills if you are to be successful in today’s marketplace.

Step Three: Find a Mentor

Find someone who’s doing your job or living the life that you want to live and set up an appointment to meet with them. I found that most people on this planet enjoy helping others and if you don’t A.S.K. you won’t G.E.T. the worst thing that could happen is they say no. If that happens you’re in the same position as you were originally. If they say yes, you just might attain your goals that much faster!

Step Four: Be Prepared for Emergencies

Most of us have heard of Mr. Murphy, he’s the guy with the law that says whatever can go wrong will go wrong. But we can’t plan for everything, history usually repeats itself so be prepared. Enough said!Step Five: Don’t Quit Get Back on the Horse!

If you think about it what’s your alternative? You were born to succeed on this planet, if you remain focused, you will persevere and attain all your goals. Sarah’s story is no different than the thousands of Americans today, however if you follow these five steps I am confident that you will survive and thrive while enjoying your ride through life.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Rick Goodman speaks from real -Life experiences and achieves great results! Dr Rick’s newest book Living a Championship Life "A Game Plan for Success" has been widely acclaimed since its release.

Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and author who will give your audience specific tools and systems that get great results. Dr. Rick also works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders "Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building". For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or ( )