If you’re like me and millions of people around the world who are using social media you probably discover that your world has just gotten much smaller. Just the other day I was writing an article on my favorite site jobing.com. The article that I wrote was titled “When You Fall off the Horse Don’t Lose Your Blackberry".

It was a story about commitment perseverance and our dependence on technology in order to accomplish our goals and objectives. After writing the article on the jobing site I immediately receive responses on my twitter account it was amazing to me this meeting at which the response had come people from around the world began to comment on the article.

As if that wasn’t enough I started to get responses from many of my friends on face book commenting on that same article that I’d written on the jobing site. But I wasn’t quite prepared for what would happen next at 10:30 a.m. on that same day I received a direct message from the Michael Dresser radio show “Dresser after Dark“. They had seen the response regarding my article and were also interested in interviewing me for my new book Living a Championship Life.

Let me tell you how amazed I was that my world had become smaller by the moment and as the Law of attraction would have it, my worlds collided, overlapped, and became infinitely smaller. If it’s not obvious to you right now it sure is obvious to me that if you want to grow your business and reconnect with the world social media and all its legs is certainly a great way to go.

It’s time for you to get on the train before it leaves the tracks!

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Rick Goodman speaks from real -Life experiences and achieves great results! Dr Rick’s newest book Living a Championship Life "A Game Plan for Success" has been widely acclaimed since its release.

Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and author who will give your audience specific tools and systems that get great results. Dr. Rick also works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders "Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building". For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or Rick@rickgoodman.com ( www.rickgoodman.com )