Jazz, my Golden Retriever, was put to sleep yesterday.  Her eyes told me "let me die."   She was so sick.  She crossed over at home, on a beautiful spring day.  The Buddhist chimes were ringing, and she was on the porch, facing East in the sun rays.  I think she was dreaming about running out the door.  She died peacefully with the gentle hands of an awesome Dr, his sweet nurse and my loving presence comforting her.  The  last thing she heard was the Dr saying,  "shhhhhhhh"

I haven't stopped crying for hours.   Kevin and Chanook, her Siberian/Wolf mate, are so sad. I wrote this for Jazz.



 She picked herself up

old and bony

and lay down

facing east in

the morning rays

that flooded down

on the porch.

The Buddhist chimes

rang and beckoned

her to run in

the sunshine of a

beautiful Spring

prairie day.

God umbrellaed the

the lane she died. 

The land comforted her,

whispering, "shhhhhhh,"

and her spirit bound

out the screen door,  free.


Jazzies ashes will buried at the base of the 10 foot Maple tree monument I had carved last year for her and my other rescued pets of animal abuse .


The nice thing is she will be right next to her kennel and back yard.

Author's Bio: 

She died peacefully with the gentle hands of an awesome Dr, his sweet nurse and my loving presence comforting her. I haven't stopped crying for hours