Wheatgrass info that follows in this article will make you acquainted with its history and the research that gave scientific background to the health benefits this plant had to offer which resulted in its commercialization and subsequent exponential growth of popularity which is still increasing.

As its name already states, wheatgrass is a young wheat plant filled with many nutrients of which the most important are enzymes, minerals, chlorophyll and a range of elements. These nutrients work together to ensure optimal health and high energy levels. These and many other benefits have been known since the dawn of civilization and highly prized.

Today, wheatgrass is available at every nook and corner in this form or another, juice bars charge a couple of dollars for an ounce of the green power juice, and as the demand for healthy foods increases, this magnificent plant is here to stay.

All of the aforementioned nutrients have various roles. For example, enzymes are an integral part of every chemical reaction in our bodies. Considering there are countless chemical reactions going on every second, this wheatgrass info will make you realize the importance of enzymes. Then there are vitamins A, E, C and B12, then minerals like iron, calcium and phosphorous which are, amongst other things, essential for blood count, strong bones and teeth respectively.

First written evidence of wheatgrass consumption was comes from the days of mighty pharaoh’s of Egypt and wealthy Mesopotamia. Apparently, they not only drank wheatgrass but they also applied it to wounds to heal faster. These people were very advanced for their time, and the fact that they used it had some impact on the rediscovery of the plant in the 1930’s.

Wheatgrass popularity starts to go up somewhere in the thirties of the last century following the experiments by an agricultural chemist Dr. Schnabel who noticed that by giving wheatgrass to his suffering chickens mad them not just healthy but more productive also. These birds started laying more eggs than those who were on a regular diet . Later on, once his experiments were finalized, he offered his findings to the various mills and companies who got interested and wheatgrass popularity started to grow.

But the person who gets the most credit is late Ann Wigmore who really made wheatgrass popular across the United States and subsequently the world. The wealth of wheatgrass info in the form of various books , diet plans and other resources really is a great legacy.

If you want the healthiest wheatgrass which will provide you with all the good stuff, grow your own! It literally takes a few minutes a day, but you get the satisfaction of watching it grow and harvesting it, which is rewarding on its own. You just need to follow a few tips and acquire some wheatgrass info to make it happen. It is very easy to setup because most of the things that you’ll need are right there in your home. If you ever had a plant before, you are qualified to grow wheatgrass.

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If you wish to broaden your wheatgrass experience, visit this site www.wheatgrasstips.com and join a FREE wheatgrass mini-course. Learn how to grow wheatgrass at home and find valuable resources and tools that will enable you to reap maximum health benefits from your wheatgrass.