After you have decided to send your child to school, you have to prepare your child for the first day of the school.

The first day of the school can be both exciting as well as stressful for both children and parents.

Whether your child is starting kindergarten, day care or nursery school, here are some tips to help your child from this tough situation.

Tips to prepare your child for the first day of the school:

1. Visit the school in advance: You should set time aside to take your child to the school. Encourage your child to meet his teachers and visit his classroom. This way your child can become familiar with his classroom location and teachers.

2. Try to attach your child to other kids in advance : It will be scary to go to the school if your child does not know any one in the classroom.

As a parent, you can take the phone numbers of the other students from the school and make a call before the school begins. You can plan for a get-together with other parents and their children so that they will all have friends on the first day of the school.

3. Give your child a chance to socialize : If your child has already spent in a daycare, then it will be easy to make friends for him. If you have provided home daycare before, then he would have been alone and will be difficult to make friends. Therefore, you have to take your child to the neighborhood camps or play groups frequently so that his social skills will develop with the interaction between other kids before the first day of the school.

4. Make your child to know about kindergarten routine : If you are visiting the school in advance, you can talk to the teacher so that the teacher can handle the situations for you. But, if you could not visit the school in advance, you have to explain about the routine of kindergarten in advance. You have to explain your child that teacher is in charge, toys that are present in the school are for every one, no fighting with other kids and one child can talk at a time in the class.

5. Give a chance to your child to learn self care skills: You have to make your child to learn basic self care skills before the school begins.

It will become easier for you once the school starts. Once they learn the self care skills, they will wear dress on their own, wear the shoes and take their bag to go to school.

6. Try to ease the mind of your child: If your child is anxious about school, find out the worries he has and try to comfort his mind. Your child can have list of worries like: he may not be able to go for bathroom on time or which bus to get on after the school.

You should assure him that your teacher will show the bathroom on first day to all the students of the class and he/she will look out for him when it is the time to get back into the bus after the school.

7. Help your child to pack all the items before night: You should help your child in packing all the items the school requested before night. Write the name of your child on the backpack, lunch bag and so on. When you label the items of your child, they will not mix with the other children’s belongings. When you are packing all the things, explain your child why those things are necessary for him so that he can pack to school after few days.

8. Health checkup must: Before the school beginning, take your child to the health care provider to screen for vision, hearing and other health problems, as these problems can make it difficult for your child to benefit from the school activities.

Also find whether there are any vaccinations that should be given to your child at that age. When you make sure that your child is healthy, you can join your child in the school.

Author's Bio: 

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for The Parents blog publishes new information on parenting skills like Single Parenting, Working Moms, Working Dads, Stay at home Parents, Parental Relationships, Family Issues, Potty Training and many more Visit Parenting Blog