Rugs are expensive, but buy the rugs that are worth their price. If you have started your search for buying rugs online then you would know the fact that more often than not rugs are expensive. Forget about the oriental handmade rugs whose cost run in tens of thousands of dollars, even a standard 6 feet by 10 feet rug too is sold for your month's rent. So in the following lines, you will know what makes rugs expensive. This will make your search easier and you can go for the ones that suit your home and budget.

Material – Natural or synthetic: The material of a rug is the most important factor of all that determines its worth and price along with how long it can last. More importantly the difference among the various materials used often lie in their durability and ease of cleaning them.

Wool is a natural fiber and wool rugs are known to last for few decades and if cared well last for century too. They retain the original color and pattern over time. They are definitely expensive and worth every cent.

Silk is second only to wool in durability but it has no parallel when it comes to elegance and richness it can add to rooms. Silk rugs are the most expensive and maintenance isn’t easy - they require professional cleaning and. These aren’t the choice for families with toddlers, kids and pets and for those looking for budget rugs.

Nylon is a cheaper alternative to natural fiber rugs. The nylon rugs boast of durability and are a great choice for people on budget. Nylon rugs fit in places (read spaces) that receive traffic. Easy clean-ability is another advantage with the nylon rugs. Nylon is highly absorbent and that is a setback for those having kids or pets at home.

Polyester is another inexpensive alternative to silk and woolen rugs. The material is less absorbent but they are the least durable of all.

Rugs are also available in materials including jute, bamboo and coconut coir.

In addition to the material, method of making also determines the worth of the rugs.

Handmade rugs are labour intense and consume many days of labour when compared to the rugs made on machines. The handmade rugs also give a richer and plusher look and are more durable when compared to their counterparts that are made on machines. The density of knots in hand made rugs are far higher than the machine made ones and that gives them the strength to last longer.

So materials used in the making of rugs, the dyes used and also method of making all make up to the cost of a rug. Investing in a good art piece can give you joy for years and add value over time. If you want to resale they fetch higher price because art pieces become antiques with time. Similarly, an investment into a good rug too will multiply with time. At least they can be treasured as family heirloom.

You can seek help and ask for a quote from the area rugs manufacturers in USA or rugs wholesaler in USA if you are looking for USA made area rugs or for the hand braided rugs made in USA.

Author's Bio: 

Amer Rugs (USA) and Saraswati Global (India) both companies are hand made rugs manufacturer and wholesaler in India and USA. If you have any question or inquiry then please feel free to contact us.