"I have prostatitis, but also had several urinary tract infections. I heard that these diseases could lead to infertility. I'm not married yet. I'm afraid. I want to ask you what impact does male genital inflammation has on fertility?"

Many patients will ask these questions when they go to the doctor. Male reproductive organs include external genitalia, accessory gonads, epididymis and testis. When the above parts are infected by bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma and virus, inflammation can occur.

What inflammation affects reproductive organs?

Prostatitis, especially chronic prostatitis, is a common disease in adult men. Its symptoms of impotence, premature ejaculation and neurasthenia will undoubtedly affect fertility. Seminal vesiculitis is easy to become chronic after the onset, often with chronic prostatitis, chronic epididymitis coexists, or occurs successively, often the cause of recurrent epididymitis.

Both bacterial and viral seminal vesiculitis and prostatitis can inhibit spermatogenesis. In particular, semen contains bacteria, even if there are no symptoms, can also cause sperm cell decomposition, sperm poisoning, sperm life-shortening, and sperm agglutination.

What are the consequences of genital inflammation?

Orchitis is often a complication of epididymitis, which can develop into epididymal-orchitis in severe cases and secondary to systemic diseases such as mumps, syphilis, and tuberculosis.

Whether primary inflammation in the testis or inflammation from other systems, damage the testis. Orchitis caused by mumps is mostly unilateral. If it is bilateral, it can lead to infertility due to testicular atrophy.

Therefore, unilateral testicular damage still has reproductive capacity. If bilateral damage, it can cause oligospermia or azoospermia. Orchitis or epididymitis caused by gonorrhea can lead to testicular function loss and partial or complete obstruction of the epididymis.

Epididymitis, especially chronic epididymitis, often coexists with chronic prostatitis and chronic seminal vesiculitis. In developing inflammatory lesions, the epididymal lumen can become thinner and narrower due to scar formation and even extend into the lumen's complete occlusion. If the lesions are bilateral, it can cause infertility.

Preputitis and balanitis are common diseases, which affect fertility due to difficulty in sexual intercourse when they are sick. Generally, the disease course is relatively short, and inflammation healing has no significant impact on fertility. However, men should be alert to gonorrhea and syphilis and similar symptoms in the penis's head.

Patients should also pay attention to some asymptomatic genital infection, which sometimes can also cause premature sperm shedding. Mycoplasma strains (micro strains) in the genital tract is one of the causes of male infertility. Sometimes, the inflammation of accessory gonad, epididymis or testis, injury of blood seminiferous tubule barrier, or changes of the molecular structure of sperm antigen can cause autoimmune infertility.

How to treat reproductive organ inflammation?Male genital infection includes many diseases. In general, it includes urethritis, prostatitis, nonbacterial prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis, and so on.

If gonorrhea exists, have a bacterial culture to determine the specific types of pathogenic bacteria, and then conduct a further drug sensitivity test. Men can then choose sensitive antibiotic drug treatment, such as levofloxacin capsules, cefdinir, azithromycin, etc..

If it is mycoplasma or chlamydia infection, the general choice is macrolide antibiotics. If antibiotic treatment is ineffective or symptoms recur, choose safe and effective Chinese medicine treatment, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It has the efficacy of broad-spectrum sterilization and can treat various bacteria, causing urethritis, prostatitis, epididymitis, orchitis and other reproductive system diseases.

Moreover, it can comprehensively improve the prostate's internal and external state, eliminate inflammation, recover the prostate gland, effectively solve prostate drug penetration and drug absorption, with powerful drug directly to the affected area to treat the nonbacterial prostate.If it is the prepuce balanitis disease, men mainly use the external application medicine to carry on the treatment.

Prevention of male genital inflammation should first pay attention to rest, avoid spicy food, avoid fatigue, avoid staying up late, work and rest rules. Have a light diet and strengthen local cleaning, change underwear frequently.

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