The fields of physical therapy and occupational therapy can be often confusing. While both of them are quite in demand and provide essential hands on work for helping patients perform everyday tasks more independently, the two fields are quite different. OT (occupational therapy) and PT (physical therapy) can help people to get back to their usual way of life. So, what is the difference between OT and PT? There are some basic differences that you must know about.

What is the Difference Between OT and PT - How to Tell Them Apart

If you are wondering what the differences are, you are the right place. We will discuss the importance of each, as well as the basic differences related to the OT and PT. To know more about these read on:

Basic difference of OT & PT

The main difference between the OT and PT is that the OT, or occupational therapy, focuses on improving the ability of the client to perform certain activities of daily living. PT (physical therapy), on the other hand, focuses on improving the ability of the client to perform the movement of the human body.

Occupational Therapist: An occupational therapist can treat someone as a whole. Whether you are recovering from injuries or any disabilities, the OT’s can help people to completely engage in their daily life. The OT is unique and uses holistic approach for looking at the client’s participation in different activities. This approach includes habilitation, wellness promotion and rehabilitation. If you have broken your foot while playing football or basketball and cannot perform tasks normally, then you can consult the OT. They will help you in accomplishing the goal. There are also OT assistants as well, such as pediatric COTA’s .
Physical Therapist: A physical therapist can treat the patients with actual impairment from a biochemical perspective. The physical therapy will help you improve the impairment itself by aligning the bones and joints, thus increasing mobility and lessening the pain. The primary goal of the PT is to get the patients back in the motion with the help of massage and exercise . They also focus on preventing injuries and can help prevent the need for surgery.

What are the Similarities?

When it comes to OT and PT, there are some similarities too. Here are some of the ways they overlap:
Both educate people on how you can prevent and avoid injuries.
Both educate their patients about how you can heal.
Both can assist in improving the ability for performing daily activities through education and training.
Both can play some important roles and specialize in their area too.


So, what is the difference between OT and PT? You need to understand that both occupational therapists and physical therapists are experts, and specialized in different areas of expertise. When it comes to choosing the right expert for your needs, you have to know which therapist can be helpful for your needs and requirements.

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Edgar at Phoenix-Pop. Hobbyist and pro-healthy choices, fitness and lifestyle.