This article provides a look into what is involved in physical therapy treatment for migraines. Migraines are recurrent, extremely painful headaches which are now and then accompanied by nausea, visual disturbances, or other symptoms. People affected by migraines commonly describe the pain as a throbbing or pulsing sensation in one region of the head.

The objective of physical therapy programs to is to stabilize the musculoskeletal system as far as can be achieved so as to limit tension and stress in the joints and soft tissues. These programs involve the stretching of the muscle fibers that are causing the problem. Strength, posture, and alignment problems would also have to be looked into as erroneous mechanics in these areas that could lead to the creation of trigger points.

Various Modalities and What they Involve

To decide whether this form of therapy would be beneficial, the physical therapist first conducts a proper physical examination and examines the medical history of the patient. The different approaches that may be handled at the physical therapy center of a professional pain management facility are:

Chiropractic Care – According to chiropractors, some migraines begin in the spine. Frequently, subluxation (the condition of one vertebra being out of alignment with another) can bother the nerves that lie along the length of the spine to the brain. As a consequence of this misalignment, the person’s brain is more susceptible to chemical imbalances. The chiropractic physician restores suitable alignment by adjusting the patient’s joints.

Massage and Myofascial Release Massage performed by a trained, qualified massage therapist can fix a variety of issues that may lead to migraine pain. When this treatment is combined with a comprehensive assessment of environmental causes and lifestyle habits with positive actions to rule over the triggers, it can reduce the strength or duration of the pain and maybe even do away with the migraine. Myofascial release is a method by which a therapist applies sustained but light pressure on myofascial tissue tensions so as to get rid of pain and enable restoration of motion. The reduction of muscle restrictions and improved blood flow achieved, help with treating the pain.

Heat or Cold Treatments – These are popular with people who would like to avoid or limit the use of medication and may involve the use of a compress or other item.

TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) – TENS is electrical stimulation of the skin with the help of electrodes and with the intention of providing pain relief in a diseased or injured part of the body. The electrical stimulation to surface nerves obstructs the transmission of pain signals.

Exercise – The physical therapist may suggest certain exercises to help with treatment.

Physical therapy treatment for migraines, if done in the right manner and by a professional physical therapist is a promising, non-medicinal way to recover from this distressing headache.

Author's Bio: 

Brooklyn Physical Therapy - HealthQuest, a physical therapy rehabilitation center in Brooklyn, New York, extend their physical therapy services to patients in Manhattan Beach, Marine Park, Kensington and Dyker Heights.