In reality the process of “changing” is simply making a decision to do something other than what we are currently doing. Change is a reflection of current attitudes. Sometimes we choose to make changes that are relatively simple like deciding where to eat or what to order. Surely deciding where to go to lunch is a fairly simple process; although it can be cumbersome if 14 people are included in the decision process. Perhaps if we are dining alone, or happen to be in an unfamiliar area, we may also be inclined to ask for recommendations. So looking at change includes various factors and will be different for each person. All change is, is an opportunity to experience something different.

Change or modification is specifically unique to each person’s individual thought processes and experiences. If we learned to approach the subject of change in an optimistic manner, we are probably more inclined to try new things easily and often. In choosing “something different or to do something else” is quite simply offering us an opportunity to experience a new and (hopefully) rewarding outcome. In regards to the dining example, realistically in a few moments we could review the menu, perhaps ask a member of the wait staff for their recommendations, and then easily place our order. However, if we learned to approach change hesitantly or through the viewpoint of fear, our choices will reflect our being in fear. If this is the manner in which we make decisions, then even something relatively simple like trying a new restaurant or ordering something unfamiliar, could be awkward if we are uncertain about trying new things.

It is helpful to avoid making hasty decisions, as most people are uncomfortable making hurried decisions. Be realistic about all of your choices. Also be realistic about the feeling or belief that you may have of living up to other peoples’ expectations. This consideration is usually our wanting approval, wanting control, or perhaps wanting to feel safe. When you have important decisions to make, approach your choices optimistically. Let’s say the choices presented to you include trying a new restaurant or engaging in skydiving. Clearly these choices are very different. Neither choice is good or bad. Although what’s important to consider is, “How do we react?” Considerations are merely a reflection of something we might be interested in experiencing. We could easily opt to do or not do either one of the choices presented (try a new restaurant or participate in skydiving activities). If we are enthusiastic, we might elect to participate in both options. Then again we might suggest going along and watching others that are adventurous, although informing the requester that we won’t be engaging in the actual skydiving activity. Another decision might be declining all involvement. Again, there is no right or wrong choices. Choices are only a reflection of one’s current level of comfort or experience.

What’s important to remember is actually making a decision! Being afraid to move forward or afraid of making a mistake is keeping us stuck in unhealthy patterns. Life is a decision, and then another one, and so on. The more we practice making decisions that feel right for us, the better we will feel about our current situations. Be willing to try new things to be inspired and also to gain new experiences. Be Ok if at first you fumble or feel a bit awkward. Success is also a series of decisions and considerations. Each step that we take out of our comfort zone provides us with many healthy and rewarding outcomes. Change your mind and your whole life changes.

Author's Bio: 

Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.

The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide.

The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.