Flowers have always been part of the human existence because they are constantly used for special situations. They are often used for celebratory functions such as the birth of a baby or a birthday. They are also used for unhappy functions such as for an ailing loved one, following the death of someone or when one visits a grave. In the case of romanticism, the physical rose and red rose images have been the most used and are often considered as images of love.

Whether to express love, friendship, passion or appreciation, giving this wonderful flower in special events or spontaneously is always pleasant.

We all like to see beautiful images of love and friendship with tender words. When the loved one has a bad day, or on the contrary, celebrates a birthday or an anniversary, we always come to grab a bouquet, but do we know their meaning?

Some types of flowers and what they symbolizeIf you want to show sincerity, share an image of a rose flower and a sincere phrase. If, perhaps, you want to convey a health message or a message of fidelity, opt for sunflowers. Accompany that flower with good morning messages when you wake up – a flower for each mood and a phrase to be able to transmit that feeling that sometimes we do not find how to get it out of ourselves.

In the world, there are hundreds of different flowers that are used, depending on their type and color.
For example, orchids are beautiful and considered often because of their extraordinary beauty . They are great for expressing admiration or adoration. Daffodils are gifted to wish luck, while the azaleas are meant for sharing joy and love.

Other flowers have particular meanings according to the culture and the country in question. In China, the flesh-colored carnations are associated with the marriage of a couple. In Greece, the sunflower represents passion . In many Eastern philosophies, the lotus flower reflects the purity and cleanliness of the soul.

Basically, the rose symbolizes feelings of love and passion . It is more common in the West. Generally, there is a wide variety of roses, most of which are classified according to color. Let's check them out:
1. Red roses: Definitely, this color indicates romantic feeling. Hence, if you want to express this situation, red roses are ideal to say "I love you."

2. White roses: Associated with purity and innocence, this can be given when a baby is born or in celebrations such as when a house is newly acquired.Note: It is worth mentioning that, if you give a bouquet of red roses along with white roses, this can mean uncertainty or doubts about romantic feelings.

3. Pink roses: They are more associated with friendship and feelings of gratitude and appreciation. They are good flowers to give on the birthdays of close friends.

4. Yellow Roses: Contrary to the red, these flowers can present meaning of contempt, pride, jealousy, infidelity or the end of a relationship.

5. Orange Roses: These beautiful and rare flowers symbolize a true passion, so giving them away or receiving them is always flattering.

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