If you manage a sales staff and if you are someone who is looking into how you are going to get better performance out of your sales staff, you are going to find that there are a number of things that you need to look into. Many managers realize that they can increase performance through sales incentives, but how can you do this in the right way? How are you going to be able to create incentives that will please the employees, but which will still leave the company in good shape? The truth of the matter is that salespeople do have needs, and if the management is willing to meet them on those needs, it can hmake a lot of difference!
In the first place, you will find that you need to remember that your incentives need to be something that that your employees really want. At the end of the day, what people want essentially boils down to more money or more time. A cash incentive can be a good way to do that, but also remember that having a day off or an hour off here and there can make a huge difference. The key here is to give them something that they really want, rather than something that comes out of nowhere and makes them feel belittled or that you are treating them in a condescending fashion. Take some time and make sure that you can learn more about what your employees want.
Also remember that taking your employee out to a dinner is a great way to reward them for a job well done. On the other hand, it is even better if you can assure them of a dinner with upper executives in the company. This can be a great networking opportunity for them, and it can allow the best and the brightest in your company to really get together and shine. Essentially, this gives them a tangible reward for what they are doing and you will also find that this gives them a certain amount of real recognition that a small certificate will not.
Another thing that a clever manager can do, particularly if you are looking at how you can spend your resources, is to offer discounted ticket prices to interesting locations. Essentially, you are getting your sales staff away from looking at what is good for them, and towards looking at what they can do for their family . A little bit of incentive in this direction can teach you a lot about how people want to work and what they are willing to do to please their families and their spouses.
When you are a manger who wants to make sure that their staff performs well, this is the kind of measure that you need to look into. Don't underestimate the importance of a good incentive.
David Steel is one of the nation’s leading experts on the topic of Sales Motivation. He’s a popular and widely recognized author and motivational speaker who works with businesses and individuals as a sales management consultant, offering insights into hiring, compensation, goals and strategies, and teaching the use of sales management skills to build and maintain highly aggressive sales teams.