I approach health and wellness from a holistic viewpoint, it is my belief that in order to be completely whole, healthy and happy we need to address every area of our life. I also believe that every modality does not work for every individual. We are made up of different things, we come from different backgrounds and we desire different lifestyles. Therefore, it is important that we take time out to do the necessary assessments to learn where we are starting from, so that we can work with the proper practitioners that will help up reach our intended goals.
Health is when your body functions as it is supposed to. Wellness is having BALANCE in your life. You need to approach your health and wellness from a holistic approach. There is more than one way to achieve your health and wellness goals in all areas of your life from physical, mental, emotional, etc., you just need a plan of action that is best suited for your lifestyle as well as for you temperament.
Each day you make many decisions that affect your happiness, wholeness & wellness. For example, you may decide to use a seatbelt, to drink milk instead of soda, or go to sports practice. While each of these decisions may seem small, taken together, day after day and year after year, they have a big effect on your life. They influence your daily energy level and self-confidence, as well as your future health & wellness overall.
Being A Healthier U means living in Total Wellness from all aspects of life which include physical, mental, relational, emotional, social, spiritual, educational, environmental and financial health. Going From Where You are To Where You want to Be means taking the necessary steps you decide to take to move you into action that will lead you from stagnation to revelation and manifestation .
Ask yourself the following question?
What truly feeds you in your life? (Hint: I am not talking about the food that's on your plate!)
Take a moment to think about what makes your days more enjoyable and worthwhile. Is it your morning yoga class? Time spent with your spouse or playing with your child? Maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment at work?
Sometimes we're fed not by food but by the energy in our lives.
Everything we consider as a source of nutrition - carbs or proteins, fresh produce or home-cooked meals - is really just a secondary source of nourishment or what is labeled as secondary food. It's the things off of our plate - healthy relationships, regular physical activity, a fulfilling career and a spiritual practice - which can fill our soul and satisfy our hunger for life, excitement and fulfillment. We call these elements primary food. What is more important are the things that are energy drainers in our life.
Remember you are worth everything it takes to become a healthier you, because your life depends on it. You already have everything you need to succeed in this life; it is now time to put these things into MASSIVE ACTION. Get a Coach, Counselor or Consultant to help you map out the plan for your life.
It is time for no more EXCUSES! Just do it!

Author's Bio: 

Cee Cee H. Caldwell- Miller is a native of Washington, DC and she now resides in Plainfield, New Jersey. Cee Cee H. Caldwell-Miller attended Trenton State College in Ewing Township, New Jersey where she received a B.A. in Communication and Theater with a minor in African American Studies. She worked in the following industries: real estate, healthcare, retail, banking, higher education and software before deciding to pursue her Master’s degree. Her love for helping people, since she was young caused her to receive a M.A. in Counseling, Human Services and Educational Leadership with a Substance Awareness Coordinator, Cert. of Eligibility. After receiving her M.A. she worked in Business Finance and City Government. She believes in continual education no matter what because knowledge is potential power.
Cee Cee has had a love for business since she was a little girl and is a believer in the entrepreneurial dream. Because of her love for business, Cee Cee has started several businesses, she is a true entrepreneur, Diamond Enterprises International, LLC (a business and personal development company), iVue Graphics and Media Solutions, Inc. with her husband J.T. (a printing and marketing solutions firm), A Healthier U (coaching, health and wellness company) and her latest venture Just Make Scents, LLC a nature based Bath & Body Company which will launch in March 2011.
Cee Cee speaks and facilitates workshops on the following topics: Being A Healthier U (Living Your Best Life From The Inside Out), The ABC’s of Business Basics, Success Principles, Passion and Purpose, Authentic Living, Wellness In The Workplace, Time Management (Whose Time is it anyway) and The Art of Relaxing, Relating and Releasing (stress mgmt.). Cee Cee is also a Certified Life Coach, her coaching includes personal and business development, health & wellness, life skills, relationships and many other areas. Cee Cee is a certified Coach/Teen Coach for Compass Coaching Services. She has helped many people on their journey to reach and attain BUSINESS & PERSONAL SUCCESS and TOTAL WELLNESS.

Cee Cee is a member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc., Business and Professional Women’s Federation, Real Sisters Rising, the National Mentoring Partnership and other associations, organizations and groups. Cee Cee is here - to help you reconnect with your passion, rediscover your strengths, regain your confidence, fulfill your purpose, gain business achievement and to inspire you live an authentic purpose driven life.

Cee Cee currently resides in Plainfield, New Jersey with her husband and business partner J. T. Miller. Cee Cee believes that “You must READ to SUCCEED, because readers are leaders!” Cee Cee’s plans are to start a women’s theatrical ensemble, a youth entrepreneurship program for teenage girls, a humanitarian foundation and restoration center in the future. Through her speaking, workshops and books she hopes to Encourage, Enlighten and Empower others to walk in their GREATNESS by living an AUTHENTIC AND INTENTIONAL LIFE ON PURPOSE!

For more information or to schedule Cee Cee “The Wellness Diva"Caldwell-Miller” for your next company or business event/conference, email ceeceespeaks@aol.com .