As an omnivore (or conscious carnivore), I choose a diet that includes animal protein. As a yogi, it’s important for me to be a role model of balance. Early on, I did the vegetarian route because I thought it was what a “yogi” should do. However, it was not the healthiest choice for me. Not ... Views:3050
Namaste & Anjali Mudra
My teacher, Mark Whitwell, held his hands in Prayer much differently than most American yogis. He and Srivatsa Ramaswami learned this from their teacher, Sri Krishnamacharya. Yoga is far greater than asana alone. In fact, Anjali Mudra was a point of study for them. ... Views:1249
Yoga is Union
The Sanskrit word yoga is derived from the root yuj, “to unite.” If yoga means “union” then that means there must exist 2 poles and some movement toward one another. Yoga is the union of all opposites. Your participation in the opposites does more than you know.
It is the ... Views:1311
Are you Practicing Yoga or Making an Asana Out of Yourself?
Once upon a time, there was no standardization of pose names; the same pose might be called different names by different teachers or poses could go by the same name. Be alert for these confusions. Being descriptive creates better ... Views:1267
Yoga for Every Body
How is Yoga adapted to each person?
First, let’s look at some common causes of injuries:
• Biomechanical – alignment & form
• Achievement oriented society – trying to get somewhere
• Impatient for results
• Peer pressure of class/teacher to attempt poses that they ... Views:1152
What is Yoga?
After years of "searching" and thousands of yoga classes with many well known and not so well known but nonetheless fabulous teachers, I came to realize that Yoga is a living, breathing art that grows constantly through experience and one's experimentation; it is as diverse as ... Views:1168