Emotions can be placed on a graduated scale from lowest to highest. Any counselor will find it beneficial to know where her client is on the scale, and to know the clients likely reaction if he were to rise or fall from that position. Knowledge of the scale is similarly helpful in everyday life, ... Views:5966
What do men really want from a woman?
Well, it's impossible for one man to speak for all men. But almost all of us want companionship, sex, and love, not necessarily in that order. Of course, many men like cars, and sports, and gadgets, but that's not what this article is about. I'm talking ... Views:2654
My guidance tells me that there is nothing special about 2012 other than the significance that we place on it. If enough people agree strongly enough in a certain direction, that creates a powerful attractor and can cause a manifestation.
Right now humanity is in a chaotic, fluctuating period ... Views:1333
Even though current events seem to indicate that the world is going to hell in a handbasket, as my beloved grandfather used to say, I believe that the human race is coming together. There is tremendous demand for positive change, which is rocking the foundations of the old order. The ... Views:1275
For 5,000 years, human societies have been oriented around the belief systems of scarcity and unworthiness. Opposing that is a new rise in consciousness and a demand for positive change, which is as yet undirected. Our use of scarce and polluting fossil fuels, and our hierarchical political and ... Views:1312
What do men really want from a woman?
Well, it’s impossible for one man to speak for all men. But almost all of us want companionship, sex, and love, not necessarily in that order.
Of course, many men like cars, and sports, and gadgets, but that’s not what this article is about. I’m talking ... Views:3312
It’s Nitty-Gritty Time!
As this is being written, our species is on the brink of a world-wide financial collapse. It appears that our future is in the hands of a small elite, but I would argue that our fate is in the hands of all of us.
We are, collectively, writing the screenplay for the next ... Views:1382
It is accepted practice among propagandists (and marketers!) that a message will not get through unless it is repeated over and over. In fact, the dark actor Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of propaganda , once said:
"[propaganda is] a carefully built up erection of statements, which whether ... Views:1386
"For those who stubbornly seek freedom around the world, there can be no more urgent task than to come to understand the mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the propaganda system to which we are subjected and in ... Views:1860
The consciousness of mankind is going through a "cleansing."
By this I mean that the uninspected beliefs of our species are coming to the surface. Primary amongst these beliefs is the belief in scarcity and lack. And beneath that is the belief in unworthiness.
In previous ... Views:1434
Relationships are ruined by the buildup of negative emotion. Eventually, you just have to get away from the other person because you can't stand it anymore. Here's a simple way to get things off your chest and keep your relationships on an even keel.
I've always admired people who can be honest ... Views:2035
We live in a universe of free will, and so it isn’t possible to develop a “formula” for success that will be perfect for everyone. If there was such a formula, some brainiac in the 5,000 years of human history would have discovered it centuries ago! There are, however, some important Dos and ... Views:1056
Have you ever read a real exciting email that tells you that you can get rich in a very short time, and that this person, Mr. X, has discovered just how to do it? This email or sales page will probably be accompanied by a interesting story, or a snapshot of their Pay Pal account, showing money ... Views:898
I've personally spent hundreds of hours in counseling with trained pros, and I've researched the human psyche, and that has made me very humble indeed about making unwarranted claims on a subject that has eluded the understanding of the most brilliant minds on our planet over the past 7 ... Views:1169
You'll excuse me, dear readers, as I indulge in a little rant. This article is actually about personal power, but it began as a rant about certain marketers, and marketing practices. I've included the entire article so you can see the evolution of my thoughts.
Marketing is changing. The old ... Views:1111
All things in the universe are, and remain, in balance –– that is the natural impetus of all things. When steam runs out of a shower, for example, the temperature equalizes in the room. In weather systems, an area of high pressure will flow into an area of lower pressure. The planet ... Views:1229
Love is the fundamental vibration of the universe. Love is attraction. It binds all things together. It is the carrier wave upon which all things communicate. It is a frequency infinitively high, that permeates and composes the All–That–Is.
When you feel love, you are in the moment. ... Views:1343
“My doctor says I need to lose some weight.”
“My boss says I need to get more motivated at work.”
“I know I should clean out the garage, but I don’t feel like it.”
Sound familiar?
If only we could motivate ourselves to do the things we need to do! ... Views:1972
How do you get yourself motivated to do the things you should do?
How do you motivate yourself to do the things you want to do?
Motivation is one of the most popular areas in the self–improvement field.
Inspirational speakers are celebrated for their ability to make you feel wonderful. ... Views:1057
It is said that a child is closest to God. What does this mean?
I think it means that a child is more cognizant of his connection to Native State. I have also noticed that as I grow older, I seem to get wiser and feel a much greater sense of who I am. These ideas can be illustrated with a ... Views:1125
A lot of people don’t understand the Law of Attraction, or disagree with it, because it states that ‘like attracts like.’ The immediate response you get is, “Wait a minute, opposites attract, what are you talking about?”
How do we reconcile the notion of ... Views:987
Albert Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." In daily life and especially in politics, however, we see this maxim repeated over and over again. Why do people keep doing things even though it never works?
Well, the first answer is that ... Views:1081
I have discovered a new process that involves saying “Yes” to everything.
“But what about President X’s desire to start a new war?” What about Bobby’s wish to punch out his younger brother?” “What about Danny’s hatred toward his wife?” ... Views:865
I was listening to a lecture by Dr. Wayne Dyer the other day. Dr. Dyer said “I don’t think it’s really possible to motivate another human being…”
I began to think about that and I believe Dr. Dyer is correct. I believe that there is a subtle and powerful distinction between motivation and ... Views:1533
In experiments with water and plants, people have played rock and roll music and then classical music and compared the results. With water, Dr. Masaru Emoto freezes the water and then observes the crystals. The water crystals have a beautiful symmetric pattern in response to classical music and ... Views:1241
This article is a sequel to The Vibrational Universe. I have been coming to the shocking realization that we live in a perfect universe. By this I mean, the Law of Attraction manages all vibration so that we receive always in our experience a match to our activated energy patterns.
If this is ... Views:1145
The universe is essentially a soup of consciousness. All beings, objects, energy fields and particles are/were created by consciousness and are responsive to consciousness. Imagine that the room you are sitting in is the entire universe.
Imagine that your awareness fills the entire room. ... Views:5670