Wow…the Winter Olympics are gone but the idea of how many good lessons we could learn from them keeps gravitating in my head. The most important is the idea of persistence and trying again vs the typical win or loose model, not only when pursuing an Olympic medal but in life. Stop for a second ... Views:5338
In this month when we celebrate love, I wonder what we are celebrating and what love is all about. Love…what’s love? That is the question. A word that causes the biggest happiness but can also cause the biggest misery in our lives, especially when we don’t know what it means, misuse it to ... Views:1369
Change! Such a loaded word. What comes to your mind when you think of the word change? Stop for a minute and try to answer that question. What types of feelings does it bring up in you? Hope, excitement, joy, or on the other hand, fear, anxiety, loss, or to make things more complicated, a ... Views:2131
I just came back from a professional workshop about calming your inner critic and I couldn’t wait to share this interesting topic with you. Where to begin?
Well the structure of the human personality is very interesting and complex. Fascinating and confusing, lovely and irritating, logical ... Views:1752
Cleansing, detoxifying diets, exercising… what else do we do to purify or clean our bodies? It is somewhat common to hear people say that they are engaged in one of these practices to clean themselves from toxins and other harmful elements. They usually express to feel more energized and ... Views:5519
What comes to your mind when you think of the word grief? Most people think of death. Even if you google it, the listings that come up are related to the emotional response that surfaces from the death of a love one. There is very good information and help out there related to that topic. So the ... Views:1537
Forgiveness is one of the most difficult things to do while at the same time one of the most needed in the world. There are plenty of people sick of anger, either toward others or to themselves. Forgiveness involves letting go and surrender of judgment and condemnation while engaging in a ... Views:1273
Every human being needs to get around satisfactory human relations, both in the family and other areas. Your emotional well-being will depend largely on the capacity you have to achieve this objective. In 328 BC, Aristotle said humans are social animals. Nowadays, more and more evidence is ... Views:2196
Like any other threat to the basic need of survival, the recent Swine flue alert is causing fear in people. While a reasonable fear of death is a normal human reaction to a threat, excessive worrying and paranoia are not. The Swine flu alert can understandably trigger a sudden loss of security ... Views:1382
Relationships are a beautiful thing but they can also be challenging. I love a cartoon that reads as follows: “Relationships: a mess worth making.” It very well illustrates how many times relationships can be messy or unhealthy.
The main cause of unhealthy relationships? Unhealthy boundaries. ... Views:3550
When talking about relationships and families, dynamics are complex. Why? Because especially the closest we are the more we expect and therefore, the more disappointed we can be. For example, one of the biggest dreams every parent has is that their children get alone. It sounds simple and easy ... Views:1302
Try to assess people fairly and look inside yourself to find out where your expectations and disappointments really come from.
All of us get disappointed sometimes, but if it happens very often or if it hurts too much it might become a problem. What we don’t realize is that our expectations ... Views:2196
There are thousands of articles about the physical preparation that a healthy pregnancy requires and very few about the psychological aspects of it. I titled this article “How to emotionally prepare for motherhood” because the psychological changes that start before your become pregnant do not ... Views:4797
There are thousands of articles about the physical preparation that a healthy pregnancy requires and very few about the psychological aspects of it. I titled this article “How to emotionally prepare for motherhood” because the psychological changes that start before your become pregnant do not ... Views:5915
Finances and money have for always being the number one cause of relationships failure. Many people say, “he/she was my friend until I lent him/her some money and things were never the same.” It has been proven by the American Psychological Association that during bad economic times, any ... Views:1020
One of the biggest problems my clients complain about everyday is not that the person they love hurt them or did something wrong. It is the fact that the person didn’t apologize or the apology did not feel sincere. Let’s face it. We don’t really know how to apologize and the problem is that it ... Views:5688