IGF-1 is a hormone just like HGH, but IGF-1 is the most important growth factor that the body produces. IGF-1 is much more powerful than HGH. In fact Human growth hormone must be converted by the liver into IGF-1 in order for it to work, therefore giving the liver additional work to do.IGF-1 is ... Views:2950
Studies have shown that excess cholesterol in the blood stream can cause major damage to your cardiovascular system, resulting in various forms of heart disease and even death. All of your cells need cholesterol, yet they have only a limited ability to produce it. In order to get cholesterol ... Views:1588
Cancer cells cannot grow in an oxygen rich environment. So says Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel prize winner. Dr Warburg says that when oxygen is deficient within our cells and fermentation is exchanged for a cell’s energy, the pathway to cancer is opened..When the normal respiration of body cells is ... Views:12054
Cancer cells cannot grow in an oxygen rich environment. So says Dr Otto Warburg, Nobel prize winner. Dr Warburg says that when oxygen is deficient within our cells and fermentation is exchanged for a cell’s energy, the pathway to cancer is opened..When the normal respiration of body cells is ... Views:12054
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything their hearts desire, and other people seem to struggle through life on a day to day basis? This is because some people have unknown secret beliefs that are pre-programmed into the mind that may be sabotaging their attempts at their ... Views:2331
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything their hearts desire, and other people seem to struggle through life on a day to day basis? This is because some people have unknown secret beliefs that are pre-programmed into the mind that may be sabotaging their attempts at their ... Views:1447
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have everything their hearts desire, and other people seem to struggle through life on a day to day basis? This is because some people have unknown secret beliefs that are pre-programmed into the mind that may be sabotaging their attempts at their ... Views:1306
Heart disease begins early in life. Over time, cholesterol is deposited on the walls of the heart's blood vessels. It is easiest to reverse the effects of heart disease in the earliest stages, when the blood vessels walls contains small amounts of cholesterol. As time goes by cholesterol is ... Views:2914
The liver is responsible for performing more than 400 different jobs, and is the body's most important organ, functioning as a filter to cleanse the body of toxins, metabolize protein, control hormonal balance and produce immune boosting factors.
Your liver is a work horse that can even ... Views:1916
Your Food Guide for Achieving a Healthy Acid/Alkaline Balance
To help achieve a healthy balanced pH level, refer to the chart below. Keep in mind the more alkaline and less acidic the food source the better for your overall health and well-being. According to the health experts,75% of ... Views:34905
Most people don't feel as good as they would like to feel. They believe that their lack of energy is related to the aging process, however nagging health problems can be due to a highly acidic diet that they are consuming. Human blood PH should be slightly alkaline to maintain good health.
The ... Views:1372
A Healing Crisis is also known as the "Herxheimer Reaction". This happens when the body is trying to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than the body can dispose of. If a person's organs ,tissues and cells are very toxic the more severe would be the detoxification, and a healing crisis may ... Views:5600
For a product to be an effective anti aging supplement, it must provide clinically tested nutrients that can reverse the aging clock at the DNA level. These nutrients must also be shown to protect and repair DNA, and to prevent DNA mutation. It should also quite possibly reduce the risk of ... Views:4986
For Man to return to harmony and experience a complete healing, of optimum health he has to under stand himself thoroughly and what affects his outer physical body as well as his inner bodies. All our bodies vibrate and exist at a certain level of vibration, and all sounds ,which in effect are ... Views:1066
INDIUM is not essential for life but INDIUM appears to be essential for optimal disease free longevity. The original patented INDIUMEASE, the Silver Bullet , is the latest ,greatest nutrient ,a powerful mineral and people on INDIUM supplement gave unsolicited testimonials of better ... Views:5462