The old buildings of Santa Fe, New Mexico are the colour of warm, red earth. Clay, baked in the desert sun, makes buildings strong enough to stand for centuries. Low, sturdy buildings they are, most of them, their sharp edges moulded and softened as by a potter's hand, standing under a deep blue ... Views:1527
Once, when I was six years old, I broke apart a chrysalis to see what was inside.
There was nothing inside. Well, nothing recognisable, anyway.
I later learned that after its cocoon is sealed and hardened, a caterpillar slowly disintegrates. It melts into a kind of sludge. Eventually, some ... Views:1541
HAVE YOU EVER had the experience of being really angry, totally ‘losing it,’ flying off the handle at someone and yet, at the same time, part of you seems to be standing off to one side, watching the whole performance?
Since several different areas of the brain are involved in our reactions to ... Views:1268
Do you remember that old movie title 'The Three Faces of Eve?' I think that title (not the movie) is a good one to describe all of us. For we women are forever tripartite beings - three beings in one.
This notion of female trinity has been with us throughout history, in many cultures, often ... Views:1918
It was one of those television shows which half the nation watches. But since my partner and I are fortunate enough not to share our space with a TV set, I had never seen that show before.
On that October morning, I happened to be staying with friends, in a house where breakfast conversation ... Views:2749
I came back from town with my new reading glasses and put them on the table in their plastic case. "My first pair," I said to my partner. "I'm getting old, aren't I?"
"Don't worry about it" he replied. "You still look young to me. Anyway it's no good being upset about getting old. We all get ... Views:1373