Have you ever caught yourself being propelled back to a specific time in your past and suddenly a mental snapshot brings back forgotten feelings or emotions… as real as if you were still there?
It is as if although much time may have passed between that past event and today, between the ... Views:1057
Metaphysics say it. Science says it: the Universe is made out of energy. We are energy. All is energy.
When a baby is born, he (let’s talk about he for the sake of speed) is totally open. Energy (good and bad) flows through him without any protection; this is why it is advisable to keep the ... Views:976
I have a passion for languages. I love the communication and expansion that comes with understanding other cultures, other people and other countries, through their unique way of self expression.
But I also have a passion for metaphysics. I love the understanding of how energy works to create ... Views:1158
I was a teacher at the age of 23.
After many years of wanting to be an engineer, I finally managed to get myself into the engineering university only to find out that I had a problem with my back and had to be hospitalized for a few months to correct the unhealthy curvature of my spine. By ... Views:1078
It is the 7th of January 2016 and the New Year has already started with a bang, literally.
We had the audacity to leave our home on a short holiday for a couple of days to visit friends during the Christmas period, only to have to rush back because our geyser had exploded and our flat was ... Views:1859
Today’s busy lifestyles make it very hard for people to find a moment to disengage from daily frantic activity and find some meditation or reconnection time, a time to regroup or reintegrate one’s energies.
However, Spirit has found the perfect solution to this problem: if it is efficiency ... Views:1424
Dr Joseph Busby from the Sun Centre School of Esoteric Philosophy in Somerset West, in a channeled transmission in 1985 said:
“A great light is radiating here and now ... Views:1744
The other day I saw a friend I hadn’t seen for quite a while. We had a lovely conversation. At a point in our discussion, I remarked that after all these years of spiritual work I felt much more equipped to deal with the fast changing energies that are sweeping the world today.
One week ... Views:1710
It was one good day in October 2004. I had been living in the UK for quite a few years; I had been married and divorced and, as life has it, after the storm comes the calm… after having arrived at the conclusion that I was better off without a man in my life… he arrived.
He didn’t look like ... Views:2107
Have you seen the film “Josuah”?
Another film? You may say…
Well, Spirit does have a way to give its messages to us in the way we will be paying attention and I find films inspiring (watch out where you place your attention; there may be a message for you!).
Films also help me focus ... Views:2503
Sometimes when we feel stressed and we don’t seem to be able to bear the pressure of the demands set upon us by our modern lives. We seem to be powerless to stop ourselves falling into what some of us could call a “negative” mind set.
So, what is negativity?
I would like to throw some ... Views:1799
I used to think that good relationships and good jobs were things that only the luckiest people could attract into their lives but deep inside I also used to think that there must be the “perfect” relationship and the “perfect” job. My view was that if someone else could do it, I should be able ... Views:1674
I am so angry today I could scream. I just don’t understand why I keep finding myself doing jobs that are simply boring or unchallenging.
On top of this, the money is poor and my boss gets my back up. I don’t seem to be able to enjoy the tasks or the people at work and, for that matter, the ... Views:1741
a) What is your game?
Are you clear on where you are going or are you distorting the reality (self-delusion at some level) in order to avoid taking your rightful place of power and responsibility?
b) Are you reading life “between the lines”?
Are you holding on to the illusion of what is ... Views:2876
1. Are you attractive to yourself?
This is the first step to become attractive to others: What can you do to become more attractive to yourself? We are looking not just at areas such as new clothes or an upgraded make up but things that make you feel good about yourself and raise your energy, ... Views:5424
1. I allow time for playfulness and fun at work.
2. I surrender to the wisdom of the Universe and believe that my current job or situation is bringing me a lesson in love about myself or my life.
3. I know that I am safe and the Universe always provides for me.
4. I am loyal to ... Views:1791
In November 2008, I felt ready to go to the next stage in my public speaking.
As I started to focus on leadership, in my mind I could suddenly project myself towards the future into a world of management and leadership much more efficient and compassionate, human and effective, than what I ... Views:1639
I don’t think I have to tell you, if you have picked this book and especially if you have kept reading so far, anything about commitment, because you are already committed not only to becoming a better speaker but also to your own personal growth.
It was June 2009, after I made the ... Views:1829
Most people believe that money gets the world go round.
So did I… until my life changed in a way that things stopped being the way they used to be and started to change in ways that, at the time seemed harsh, difficult… even unfair…
… and then I decided to look for the gift in my present ... Views:1622
In March 2008 I borrowed a friend’s “Triple Goddess Tarot” pack of cards (by Isha Lerner) and gave myself a reading. Among the cards that came up, one took the place of the “New Moon or New Beginning” – It was the card No. 23 or Infinite Truth.
Among the meanings of this card, the following ... Views:1748
• Never miss an opportunity to speak: it is practice that makes it perfect. As long as you don’t hog all the time and attention, you will be seen as a reliable speaker that has the capacity to fill a gap when everyone else has either cancelled their speaking opportunity or changed their mind ... Views:1547
The TAO says:
“The softness and yielding of water overcomes the hardness and strength of stone”
TAOISM is a chinese philosophy which advocates simply the way and order of the Universe.
Through stillness and receptivity (feminine or yin) natural intuition guides us in knowing when to act and ... Views:1667
Sonia Choquette says in her Oracle Cards (Card no 19 – Survival):
“Your Healer Guides […] want you to recognize that the psychic attacks you’ve suffered through the unconscious, negative behaviour of others have left you injured. You’ve been betrayed and energetically wounded […] Stop blaming ... Views:1710
I have been going through a huge mind-shift in the last couple of months. I don’t knot if it is since the last full moon in March 2008, where a lot of spontaneous healing took place regarding inner child work, if it has to do with the Ph D in metaphysics that I am currently studying, or if it ... Views:1787
Extract from one of my Master of Ceremonies notes, April 2009:
“April is a month that has a very distinguishing feature… and I am not talking about my birthday!
I am talking about Easter.
Easter is about the Passion of Christ.
I am not going to preach to you about anything ... Views:1941
You don’t ask the river “How often does your water flow’…
Because if the river is healthy, its water will flow all the time. All day, every day.
It is only when there is a block and the flow stops that its waters become stagnant, its crystalline clarity goes and the life in ... Views:1559
It is common greeting among people to ask each other how are they when meeting, but when you are pregnant there is a meaning beyond the courtesy question: they really are enquiring to know how you are since so many things can happen during the joyous but possibly delicate state of pregnancy. The ... Views:2469
I was 36 weeks pregnant and still all going well. My ankles were a bit swollen and I had a couple of small cramps from time to time. The baby was still kicking vigorously and leap around quite often, but all in all I was fine.
The books say that at this stage my hunger would return due to ... Views:1686
It was a Wednesday morning. It was a glorious Autumn day. The sun was shinning and the sky was blue. It was a bit breezy but that Autumn sun, the kind of sun that warms you without burning you, was inviting me to go out.
I heard very clearly the voice of Spirit prompting me to go to the beach ... Views:1549
When we embark ourselves in marriage, we embark ourselves in the most meaningful partnership of our lives.
Like all relationships, this partnership requires a continuous and mutual exchange of energy and, because of the nature and depth of emotions involved, communication and choices based on ... Views:4373
We all struggle. It is a matter of fact. And we do so because we resist. We resist accepting some of the people, elements, circumstances or events that take place in our lives. We refuse to acknowledge them as part of our creation sent to us to learn our lessons and to move on in the ...We all ... Views:1990
Some time in the process of the transition from the old you to the new you, a truly miraculous thing happens. I call it the manifestation of your new strengths.
When I first came across this concept I couldn’t imagine me having new strengths. The reason is because we tend to think of ... Views:1596
How does today contribute to your goal?
What do you need to shape-shift or change in order to transform your current perspective into what is needed to achieve this goal?
Where are you holding back?
Do you ever wonder why we keep attracting the same experience again and again until we are ... Views:1442
Have you heard the “Midas King” tale? The story goes that this king had the power to transform everything he touched into gold. The good news is that he was very rich but the bad news is that he couldn’t touch those he loved most because… well, you know. But this is not the part of the story I ... Views:3055
It was July 2005. After a few years of living in the UK, we decided that it was time for a change.
We realised that all the attempts we made to start a new life (literally!) were not successful: we would try to buy a house and I would be made redundant; I would try to find a new job and ... Views:1456
I heard a story about this bridge that is very, very long.
On this side, many people (in the thousands or even more!) are standing; they are thinking about crossing but, apparently, not many people make it.
It seems that the problem is that the bridge is so long that only the ones with the ... Views:1392
When we embark ourselves in marriage, we embark ourselves in the most meaningful partnership of our lives.
Like all relationships, this partnership requires a continuous and mutual exchange of energy and, because of the nature and depth of emotions involved, communication and choices based on ... Views:1184
I read somewhere that the dynamics of every romantic relationship are decided within the first 3 months.
It makes you wonder …
It is normal to fall for someone and become totally infatuated… specially during the first three months!
This means that the things which we would usually spot go ... Views:1538