The book "AlterQuest - THE Alternative Quest for Answers" is subtitled "How to Shape the Future".
At the time this book was written it warned of the problems we would face on this planet, if we did not start to change the systems we were using for our civilization.
The first part of the book ... Views:1136
Bailing out the guys who made this mess in the first place? Will that really help us - or are there better ways?
While all the governments of the world are trying to come up with solutions to the economic crisis, we ordinary folks are sitting in our homes - if we have homes – and are ... Views:1170
A positive, spiritual future.
We’re another year into the 21st century.
But what does it mean for humanity?
A new year used to mean a time to pause for reflection and a starting point from which to go in a new direction, should your resolutions point you that way, but that was in a time when ... Views:1840