There is a proliferation of self improvement products and services in the marketplace these days. Courses, workshops, books, e-books, classes, teleclasses, videos, audio tapes, CD’s, DVD’s etc. And there appears to be more coming all of the time.
Some people go from one book to another, one ... Views:1302
I make no bones about it! It's a fact. I want to be dramatically, deliriously, deliciously, Rich! Screw modesty. Modesty is for monks. Give me Money. Lots of it. I don't just want to be comfortable. If I wanted to be comfortable, I would go to bed with my duvet. I want to be rich!
I know I'm ... Views:1746
What I have noticed lately, is that things don't always seem to happen for the reasons we think, and that can be perfect for us. I started several projects in the last few weeks, that did not work out the way I thought they would, or the way I wanted them to, thank God.
Because they did not ... Views:1242
For for the past 10 days or so, I have been writing down any negative thoughts that I have, as soon as I become aware of them. I am surprised by how many seemingly insignificant, critical thoughts cross my mind each day. I have always considered myself to be a very positive person, and so I am ... Views:1731
Several years ago, I was having a particularly stressful day. My mother had recently passed away and I missed her physical presence terribly. On top of all that, bills were starting to pile up, and I was beginning to wonder if the struggle would ever end. And then, someone called out of the blue ... Views:1441
I have decided to start a "Noticing Abundance" journal. I took a regular 99 cent lined notebook and covered it with some beautiful flowered card stock and named it my "Noticing Abundance Journal". I decided to do this because lately I have been aware that more and more delicious things are ... Views:1211
I like to pick a word that represents what I want to experience in any given period of time. It can be a new word for a new year, or a new month, or a new season, whatever you like. You could also choose a word at the start of a new project or even a new relationship. Whatever word you choose ... Views:1236
2009 is already moving so fast. Here we are already in February and getting close to Valentine's day. This is about the time when some of us get discouraged and just want to give up on our goals and dreams. However, this is the perfect time to pick up those dreams, dust them off, and really ... Views:1138
The secret to life and the secret to money is in the love. Yes, its all about the love! When you can begin to have a romance with money and think of it as your long lost lover come home again to steal your heart, you will be well on your way to having and keeping a lot more of it. And, with this ... Views:1386
I am sure most of you have already heard that what we focus on expands, but have you really experienced that in your own life? Have you really noticed it, because if you did, you would be very diligent about where you put your attention. Have you been tuning into the news with its stories of ... Views:1298
My favorite day of the year has always been Valentine's Day. It didn't matter if I was alone on that day or not, I still adored it. Valentine's day for me is a celebration of love, love in its many forms, romantic love between a man and a woman, the never-ending love of family and dear friends, ... Views:873
This morning I was looking at my calender at February and it occurred to me that it is the perfect month. It begins on a Sunday, the start of a new week and it ends on a Saturday, the last and final day of the week.
It consists of only 28 days, 4 full weeks, and unlike the other months of the ... Views:849
You've taken all the abundance courses, read all the prosperity books, watched the latest and greatest inspirational movies, listened to all the motivational audios, and you're still struggling.
Here are some possible reasons why. Perhaps you can relate to some of them.
1. You're stuck in the ... Views:1022
I would like to recommend a movie I saw recently called, March of the Penguins, produced by Warner Independent Pictures and National Geographic Feature Films.
This movie was a surprise to me, not at all what I was expecting. I was hoping it would be more like Polar Express and I would leave the ... Views:889
I have heard those words so many times and always find them to be so comforting. On the weekend, I went to several garden centres, to pick up lots of beautiful trees, vines, herbs and flowering plants for my balcony garden. I have been wanting to purchase a PASSION FLOWER plant for some time ... Views:945
On the weekend, a friend and I went shopping at all of our favorite places, and after visiting all of those, we decided to check out some of the Dollar Stores that have appeared on the planet, in the last several years.
There are now several variations of these stores available with different ... Views:1332
I received the following question from one of my subscribers recently and I am posting my reply in the event that my answer may serve others who read it.
Veronica: Would you please help me understand the concept by Eckhart Tolle of “how to be a witness to our thoughts and actions”. ... Views:991
“There is a light in you which cannot die; whose presence is so holy that the world is sanctified because of you. All things that live bring gifts to you, and offer them in gratitude and gladness at your feet. The scent of flowers is their gift to you. The waves bow down before you, and the ... Views:1454
I woke up this morning feeling sad and thinking of all the things I had to do today and how I needed about 10 more hours in the day in order to get it all done.
With this kind of thinking, to tell you the truth, I did not even want to get out of bed. Overwhelm does that to you. It is ... Views:958
A friend called me recently to tell me that one of her daughter's teachers had committed suicide. Needless to say, everyone involved was extremely upset by this.
Many looked upon this as a selfish act on the part of the teacher. I thought to myself how quick we are to judge another, after the ... Views:981
My greatest spiritual lessons came to me in the one place I least expected, wrapped in one incredibly beautiful ball of fur.
They came from YOU! My dearest companion and loving pet.
You taught me to feel my way through life, to keep my senses open, and to sniff out each person, place and ... Views:972
These last few days have been for me, a dark night of the soul. Every belief I held, every truth I thought I knew, and every answer I had, have all been shattered.
And even though I was surrounded by people, I felt alone, abandoned and afraid. And yet, through all of it, I also felt higher, as ... Views:883