Dowsing - Divining Radiesthesia is a word, that was coined in 1920 by the French abbot Alexis Bouly and it comes from the Latin word “Radius” (ray) and from the Greek word “ Aisthesis” (sensation).
The diviner is the person, ... Views:4469
(Usui Method)
Reiki in Japanese means the vital energy that spreads through everything and is everywhere, even inside us. Rei is the boundless universal aspect, Ki is the aspect flowing in everything showing and living. So Rei = universe, Ki = energy; Reiki = universal energy.
Reiki is a ... Views:1408
Some of natural vibratory remedies, that we usually buy or that our patients buy for prices which are often little affordable to the big mass, often discourage the holistic approach to the alternative therapies; on the other hand and as far as we’re concerned, it ... Views:2877
Dowsing - Divining Radiesthesia is a word, that was coined in 1920 by the French abbot Alexis Bouly and it comes from the Latin word “Radius” (ray) and from the Greek word “ Aisthesis” (sensation).
The diviner is the person, who is able to sense, through a pendulum, ... Views:2132