In the native tradition, spirit animal totems each have their own medicine. By medicine, it is meant that the unique qualities that each animal has are the traits or gifts that are meant for us to learn or be gifted with at a certain time in our lives where we are in need of such qualities. ... Views:811
Some might ask, what does it even mean to say yes, to yourself? In my experience it means that you value, trust, and follow your own inner guidance, at least as much as the input you receive from others. We all have our own truth from our own perspective and no one can really know that better ... Views:794
Sometimes when a person dies suddenly in an accident or even gently in sleep from an illness, that person may not realize what has happened. They may not know that they have actually left their physical body behind and are in the spirit world. It seems to them that they just woke from a ... Views:763
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Flying Dragon- byDebora Christy Love - Barrie Spiritual
When I was five years old I had what I can only describe as an out of body travel experience. I found myself transported to a different landscape than where I lived and was used to. I was in a vast terrain of jagged and rugged looking mountains and deep valleys. I was standing on a ... Views:779
Many unusual things have occurred in my lifetime. I feel it began with the Near Death Experience I had while I was having my tonsils removed just before my forth birthday. I had a lengthy visit to a most wonderful place I did not wish to return from. That is all in my new book out, entitled, ... Views:747
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Past Lives- byDebora Christy Love - Barrie Spiritual
Past Lives
Remembering my own past lives through hypnosis regression and meditation, brought new understanding to the life I am now living. Sometimes it seems as if your life just is not making sense, even to yourself. You may have a fear of or even an attraction to something that is not ... Views:1164