I feel it is an honor and a privilege to have a daughter or more.
The more the better (within reason) to adore!
As a mother of two daughters, I recollect and reflect on happiness.
I try not to think about having to clean their rooms from an unkept mess.
Fond is the memory of each one’s ... Views:582
This is in response to a letter from a college asking for monetary ‘help’ for the Native American people that the President of that college is in charge of. As a Star Sacred World Healer, Universal Love Teacher, and Magnetically Attuned Healer by the Great Mountain of Light, Caeayaron I prefer ... Views:1208
Let us start by identifying just who is the Great Father, okay?
He is the Creator or the Great I AM that has been hidden away.
You may wonder at this statement as to who hid who in disguise.
The answer is the god of this world is not the Great Father in the skies.
That tiny entity acts ... Views:1064
This particular Crop Circle translation https://www.caeayaron.com/Controlling-the-grids-with-thoughts.html done from Metatron of Magnetic Forces, Magnetic Services through our own Divine Love Element, Universal Light Grid Programmer and Crop Circle translator, Suzanna Maria really has a ... Views:1471
It started with a dream showing letters written to me.
The angels were spelling the word “Kyron”, you see.
It did not make any sense to combine the letters this way.
Then the thought came to look it up on the Internet one day.
At first a gentle speaking man appeared with that name, so I ... Views:1542
Have you ever thought about how Mother Earth was feeling? Well, she shows just that through mirroring our negative emotions that have collectively caused all sorts of catastrophic pain. If you visualize connecting to her crystalline core heart deep within the center of her spirit (who is ... Views:1884
Let us take an imaginary, hypothetical journey together, you see.
Actually, this is something that is really happening to me.
Although, if it could happen to myself the circumstances could be yours, too.
It involves looking down on our everyday lives, examining what keeps us blue.
This ... Views:1752
I guess we should identify what we need to get rid of when we want to unshackle ourselves from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD.) That is, the things we need to emotionally throw over-board in order to be able to steer our spiritual ship steady. I was reminded of this analogy when reading ... Views:1739
This titled message is not just for those of us going through PTSD.
It is time to recognize the signs Creator has given to you, and me.
Scripture coincides these signs called, “Trumpets” in the book of Revelation.
The book of Daniel eerily gives the same reference coordination.
How ... Views:1451
There are light, gray clouds in the sky (that really effect the soul.)
They are not really clouds at all, but dark forces with an evil goal!
Such awful covering over the blue sky binds those with PTSD, too.
One cannot reach the coat of joyfulness while grayness dampens through.
The news ... Views:1844
Each experience that we survive through brings a solid skill.
We need to celebrate that PTSD only wounded us, but did not kill!
The battle over our minds is the stronghold of the evil enemy.
Let us beware of thoughts that negate love, while filled with envy.
We must remember that Creator ... Views:1919
We should beware of merchants offering their goods for free.
Examine their motives, with strings attached, for healing PTSD.
Satan, and his demons are a type of merchant with strings, too.
He may suggest taking the easy way out in suicide, which is true.
Doctors, and therapists may make ... Views:1673
Think earnestly, even if our life’s PTSD experience has taught us to be mean.
To continue to mistreat others this way, we only allow misery to glean.
By persisting to act out old behavior, we deprive ourselves, too.
Instead of moving forward, we endorse what has made us blue!
We react to ... Views:1693
What a strange concept, that seems to pull away from reality.
It will make more sense, if we connect PTSD to emotions of carnality.
Okay, let us give these emotions a face describing the following list.
The carnal man or woman connects to fear, anger, worry, stress, and lust.
In ... Views:1666
The song with words, “Should old acquaintance be forgot” applies here.
Those of us with PTSD need to do so in order for healing to truly adhere.
New Year’s day is anytime we begin to reflect on how we can smother sorrow.
For instance, “What can we get rid of today to proliferate a better ... Views:1618
What we with PTSD need to consider for healing is a seasonal, changing strategy.
Without a constant attention to where we are, our progress becomes a tragedy!
The things like protective mechanisms may no longer be advantageous.
Those emotions of anger, and fear prevented us from becoming ... Views:1428