In my last article, we discussed the fact that fluoride is not a healthful nutrient, but rather is a toxic waste product. It’s more toxic than lead and almost as toxic as arsenic, and yet we actually add this poison to our water under the guise that it helps prevent cavities, when in reality it ... Views:1405
I’d like to talk to you about a toxin that you’re probably exposed to every day. In fact, because we’ve all been completely brainwashed, most people think this toxin is actually good for them. This toxin is more poisonous than lead and only slightly less toxic than arsenic, and yet, chances are, ... Views:1792
In a previous article, we discussed where bacteria come from, their life cycle and their purpose in life. Now, I’d like to discuss viruses. While bacteria and viruses are often discussed together, they are as different from each other as an elephant and an ant, which also happens to be their ... Views:1361
In my last article, we discussed the seven causes of all disease and I briefly mentioned the 20 Steps To Perfect Health. If you haven’t taken the time to look over or better yet, print out this list, I strongly recommend you do so. You can find the list at Print it out ... Views:1638
One of the more common, but least identified problems I find with people’s health is also one of the least discussed—and with good reason. It’s kind of disgusting. The problem is parasites. Though rarely discussed in polite conversation, I find parasites affecting people more often than you ... Views:2173
I’ve spent the last several articles explaining how Western medicine has things royally screwed up in a multitude of ways – from their over-reliance on an overly simplistic germ theory to the harm done by their advice, treatments and preventative measures. This problem is so bad, in fact, that ... Views:1517
In my last article, I discussed the fact that vaccines are loaded with toxic heavy metals and other chemicals as well as the fact that they’re not studied for long-term side effects or safety and that they are not the public health miracle many people believe them to be. That is, they’re not ... Views:1570
In previous articles, I’ve tried to educate you on what bacteria and viruses really are and what they do so that you’re not so scared of them. I’ve done this because antibiotics, antiviral medications and vaccinations all have major downsides and side effects that you’ll want to avoid if you ... Views:1541
How many times have you heard the phrase, “HIV, the virus that causes AIDS”? Because of this association, HIV is the most feared virus on earth. But is this fear justified? Is it possible that this infamous association is nothing more than propaganda? With all the funding for this syndrome and ... Views:1758
Western medicine has names for thousands of different diseases and more are being discovered, named or invented all the time. But in my lifetime of studying what causes those diseases, I’ve found that there are only seven stress factors that affect your health. Those stressors are:
1. Poor ... Views:2561
Since the swine flu is making the headlines on a daily basis right now, I think it would be instructive to reflect back on some of the other scary germs we’ve been threatened with in the past few decades and see what we can learn. Before the swine flu there was bird flu. Before that, there was ... Views:1739
There’s a lot of talk these days about reforming healthcare, and much of this talk is centered around universal health insurance. But the elephant in the room is: no matter who’s paying for the care, our health as a nation isn’t going to improve until we fix the healthcare system.
Americans ... Views:1355