For years clients have asked me when and if a space clearing should be done. Their other two questions are:
1. Should it be done on a new or old home and a place of business?
2. How do you do it and/or will I do one for them?
I have done several with amazing results however you can do it ... Views:1760
Winston Churchill, an Angel and a Pimp: How these three beings influenced my life.
Sir Winston Churchill
The day was June 20, 1967 and I was on a train heading west, from Winnipeg, with the intention of reaching Vancouver. In reality the final destination didn’t really matter. I was running ... Views:1972
You are unique. Believe in your power.
I remember one day I was hurt by an insult a classmate gave me about my intuitive gifts and my mother’s teachings as being those of witchcraft. I often struggled with being different or strange as so many called me.
There were always wonderful moments ... Views:1200
I was blessed to have a very insightful and intuitive mother who became my greatest teacher so far to date. I would like to share with you a few of her teachings and my learning’s in a series of articles.
1. Choose your thoughts carefully, they are your destiny.
Since the Secret has come out ... Views:1159
I was blessed to have a very insightful and intuitive mother who became my greatest teacher so far to date. I would like to share with you a few of her teachings and my learning’s in a series of articles.
1. Choose your thoughts carefully, they are your destiny.
Since the Secret has come out ... Views:1249
You are unique. Believe in your power.
I remember one day that I was hurt by an insult a classmate gave me about my intuitive gifts and my mother’s teachings as being those of witchcraft. I often struggled with being different or strange as so many called me.
There were always wonderful ... Views:1243
• Is a sixth sense and every one of us has experienced it on some level.
• Is a hunch or feeling; a deep inner knowing.
• Can be strengthened and exercised.
• Can come as your own voice in your head or that of another.
• Can come gently into your thoughts or suddenly and without ... Views:1503