1. If you feel a strong calling to pursue something, don’t wait for others to help you. Seek out those who share your vision and are called to support you. Trust that God has placed the right people in your path.
2. Go-getters are successful because they actively pursue their dreams, rather ... Views:360
Not so long ago, I was talking to a business man in Korea. There we were negotiating a multi-million dollar deal, and neither could understand the other's language. Thanks to God for a good interpreter. Still, it required a great deal of effort on both our parts. I learned as we spoke to each ... Views:1889
A friend once told me a word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice. So I replied, "I might be stupid but I'm no fool". Then I realized the original version of that statement is "I might be a fool but I'm not stupid."
Suddenly the answer came to me. Bill Cosby ... Views:1186
The real estate sector opens up a plethora of employment opportunities. Not only do you make good money, but you also have the liberty to work on your own. The following post explores employment options in the real estate sector.
The real estate sector has the potential to offer a great ... Views:1810
There is a moment in everyone’s life where you will be tested and feel the pain of the unknown. You will feel as though you can't handle one more thing and then you are hit with one more and you wonder when you will see the light at the end of the tunnel. Remember: Good days give you happiness, ... Views:1513
Not so long ago, I was talking to a business man in Korea. There we were negotiating a multi-million dollar deal, and neither could understand the other's language. Thanks to God for a good interpreter. Still, it required a great deal of effort on both our parts. I learned as we spoke to each ... Views:2122
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Why Better Is Better Than Best- byDonald Pillai - Author of You Are Better Than That - How to re-ignite your spark, re-claim your place in the world, and shine like never before.
No matter what your present circumstances are, the first step to becoming better is the commitment to do just that. It is amazing how many businesses, marketing gurus, mentors, coaches lawyers and doctors, even rocket scientists like to present themselves as "the best." To claim that you are the ... Views:2244
This is the day you know you're really going to do it. You have made your choice; you have made up your mind. You are determined, unstoppable and committed to living that choice. Come what may. Nothing or no one is going to change that because it's really not a 'mind'-thing, it's something from ... Views:1494
Friend: One who is attached to another by affection; one who entertains for another sentiments of esteem, respect and affection, which leads him/her to desire their company and to seek to promote their happiness and prosperity. Noah Webster - 1828 Dictionary
The first act of friendship is ... Views:1435