Sometimes we make some of the simplest things to do in our lives the most difficult! For instance, let’s talk about the barrage of Internet Opportunities that exist today. Some of you look at these opportunities day in & day out and never make a move on any of them because you are paralyzed ... Views:2055
As I sit down to write this article I am plagued with questions. Not from you my readers but internal questions that float around in my head which I toss to God for understanding and clarity. When I say I toss them to God I don’t mean that I fall to my knees and pray asking “Why… Why… Why?”... ... Views:1940
I first want to say Thank You to for making me a Certified Expert in my field of Power Networking! It has been a long rough road in Networking and trust that I have the War Wounds to justify my Certification as an Expert in this field. Some think that being a Certified as an ... Views:2088
The world is becoming more amazing to me by the day! It seems as if people have lost their place within their own society and now must be told what to do when it comes to figuring out the pending financial crisis we are heading towards in this world. The funny thing is that it really isn’t a ... Views:1855