We will say, then, that in Spirit man is One with God. But what of the great Law of the Universe?
If we are really One with the Whole we must be One with the Law of the Whole, as well as One with the Spirit. Again psychology
has determined the fact to be more than a fancy. The characteristics of the subconscious mind of man determine his Subjective Unity with the Universe of Life, Law and Action.
THE SUBJECTIVE OBEYS THE OBJECTIVEIn the Subjective Mind of man we find a law obeying his word, the servant of his Spirit. Suggestion has proved that the subconscious mind acts upon our thought without question or doubt. It is the mental law of our Being and the creative factor within us.
It is unnecessary, at this point, to go into all the details of the Subjective Mind and its mode of action; it is enough to say that within us is a mental law, working out the will and purposes of our conscious thoughts. This can be no other than OUR INDIVIDUAL USE OF THAT GREATER SUBJECTIVE MIND WHICH IS THE SEAT OF ALL LAW AND ACTION, AND IS “THE SERVANT OF THE ETERNAL SPIRIT THROUGH ALL THE AGES.”
Marvelous as the concept may be, it is none the less true that man has at his disposal, in what he calls his subjective mind, a power which seems to be Limitless. This is because he is One with the Whole, on the subjective side of life.
Man’s thought, falling into his subjective mind, merges with the Universal Subjective Mind and becomes the law of his life, through THE ONE GREAT LAW OF ALL LIFE.
There are not two subjective minds. There is but one subjective mind; and what we call our subjective mind is really only THE USE THAT WE ARE MAKING OF THE ONE LAW.
Each individual maintains his identity in Law through his personal use of It; and each is drawing
from Life what HE THINKS INTO IT.
TO LEARN HOW TO THINK IS TO LEARN HOW TO LIVE, for our thoughts go into a Medium that is Infinite in Its ability to do and to be.
THE BODYBut what about man’s body? Is that, too, one with the Body of the Universe? Let us briefly analyze matter and see what it really is. We are told that matter is not a solid, stationary thing; but is a constantly flowing, formless substance which is forever coming and going. Matter is as indestructible as God, as eternal as Timeless Being; nothing can be either added to or taken from it.
The very bodies we now have were not with us a short time ago. As Sir Oliver Lodge says, we discard many of them on the path through this life, for the material from which our bodies are composed is in a constant state of flow. Vistas of thought open up along the line of mental healing when we realize this fact; later we will thoroughly discuss and work out a definite technique for the purpose of healing.
Matter is not what we thought it to be; it is simply a flowing stuff taking the form that Mind gives it. How about the matter from which other things than the body are made? It is all the same— ONE SUBSTANCE IN THE UNIVERSE TAKES DIFFERENT FORMS AND SHAPES AND BECOMES DIFFERENT THINGS.
LAST STAGES OF MATTERThe last analysis of matter resolves it into a universal ether and leaves nothing more than a stuff which may be operated upon.
Matter, in the last analysis, is composed of particles so fine that they are simply supposed to be. In other words, it disappears entirely, and the place where it once was is again “without form and void.” Matter, as we know it, is only an aggregation of these particles arranged in such order as to produce definite forms, which are determined by something WHICH IS NOT MATERIAL.
There is no difference between the particles which any one form takes and the particles which all forms take; the difference is not in the minute particles but in their arrangement.
THE UNITY OF ALL BODYOur bodies are One with the Whole Body of the Universe. Seeds, plants, cabbages and kings are made of the same substance; minerals, solids and liquids are made from THE PRIMORDIAL SUBSTANCE WHICH IS FOREVER FLOWING INTO FORM AND FOREVER FLOWING OUT AGAIN INTO THE VOID. THE FORMLESS AND THE FORMED
Nothing could form a formless stuff, which has no mind of its own, except Intelligence operating upon it. Again we come back to the Word as the starting point of all Creation—God’s Word in the Great World, man’s word in the small world.
But why is man so limited? Why is he still poor, sick, afraid and unhappy? Because he does not know the Truth—that is the only “Why.” But why was he not so made that he would have to know the Truth? The answer is that even God could not make a real man, that is, a real Personified Expression of Himself, without creating him in freedom and leaving him TO DISCOVER HIMSELF. This is the meaning of the story of the Prodigal Son and the whole meaning of it.
INDIVIDUALITY MEANS SELF-CHOICEIndividuality means real individualized being and real personified self-choice. We could not imagine individuality without self-choice; but what would be the use of self-choice unless the ability to choose were backed with the power to externalize that choice? It would remain simply an idle dream, never coming into real self-expression. A little thought will make it clear that, if man is created to express freedom, he must be left to discover himself. Of course, during the process he will have much experience, but in the end he will come out a real being.
The day of man’s discovery of himself marked the first day of the record of human history on this planet; and from the day when he first made this discovery he has constantly risen and continuously progressed. All the forces of nature attend him on his way, but he must first discover them in order to make use of them.
THE GREATEST DISCOVERY EVER MADEThe greatest discovery that man ever made was, that his thought has creative power; that is, that it uses creative power. His thought, of itself, would have no power unless it were operative through a creative medium. We do not have to compel Law to operate; all that we have to do is to use It. The Law of Mind is just like any and all other laws of Being. It simply Is.
A COMPLETE UNITYWe have now discovered a Unity with the Whole on all three sides of life or from all three modes of expression. We are One with all matter in the physical world, One with the Creative Law of the Universe in the Mental World, and One with the Spirit of God in the Conscious World.
What more could we ask or hope for? How would it be possible for more to be given? We could ask for no more, and no greater freedom could be given. From now on we will expand, grow and express, only to the degree that we consciously cooperate with the Whole.
Growth is the raising of Consciousness. Consciousness has been defined as the relationship between the mind and the world with which the mind interacts. In Reriani Transfromology, we define Faith as “God Consciousness” and Reason as “Mortal Consciousness”.
There is a point where Faith and Reason converge and it is this point that we at Reriani Transformology aspire to raise the masses. "Knowing is higher than believing". Join our “Daily Tune-up” for more articles and discussions at: Reriani.com
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For over 15 years, Baruch Reriani has been a student of the greatest philosophical minds to have ever walked the universe in recent history.
Baruch Reriani’s teaching are based entirely upon the supposition that we are surrounded by a Universal Mind into which we think; this Mind, in Its original state, fills all space with Its Presence. Since It fills all space, It fills the space that man uses in the Universe. It is in man as well as outside of him. As he thinks into this Universal Mind he sets in motion a Law which is creative, and which contains within itself a limitless possibility.
Philosophy has always transcended science and always will; for philosophy deals with causes while science deals with effects. A scientist observes the result of nature’s work while a philosopher speculates as to its cause. Many things which philosophy has taught for thousands of years are today being demonstrated by science. This is the essence of Baruch’s philosophy.
Baruch Reriani offers a spiritual perspective on daily and world events as well as tools for spiritual living and practice. The purpose of his writtings is not the teaching of any special religion, philosophy or doctrine, but to give a statement of the Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of knowledge that they may have acquired over their lifetime.
The intent of Baruch Reriani is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but to place in the hands of his students or researchers a Key with which they may open the many inner doors of their mysterious self which is the only TRUE reality that exist.