Imagine a scene where your team operates without being inundated by emails, endless phone calls, and misplaced tickets. Instead of this chaotic setting, what if you instead had a seamless environment where tracking issues, prioritizing tasks, and collaborating on different issues and their solutions is, well, effortless, to put it mildly? Thankfully, this does not have to be a mere dream because this is exactly what a SharePoint ticketing system can deliver. You see, for businesses that already use SharePoint's collaborative capabilities, integrating a ticketing system into this platform can completely transform operations. Basically, a SharePoint ticketing system helps improve support processes, boost operational efficiency, and enhance the quality of client interactions. However, with an ocean of choices accessible in the market today, picking the right solution that fits the bills for your business can become overwhelming.

So, in this blog, I will talk about all the factors you need to consider to choose the right SharePoint-based ticketing system for your business.

What is a SharePoint Ticketing System?

A SharePoint ticketing system integrates with Microsoft SharePoint to help companies efficiently manage support requests. All in all, it offers the ability to submit simple tickets, track and update in real-time, collaborate on resolutions, etc.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a SharePoint Ticketing System

  • Identify your requirements: The first factor on this list is understanding your business requirements. This means you will need to determine the types of issues you will monitor, establish the desired ticket flow stages, assign user roles, specify reporting needs, and consider integrations with other tools. Such a comprehensive approach helps ensure that the chosen system is in sync with your business processes and enhances overall efficiency.
  • Evaluate SharePoint integrations: The next step in the process is analyzing if the system smoothly integrates with your existing SharePoint lists, libraries, and workflows and that too without causing any disruptions. You will also need to ensure it can effectively accommodate your current data types and structures within SharePoint. Oh, and do not forget to evaluate the ease of customizing the integration to ensure alignment with your specific business requirements.
  • Assess user interface and experience: When selecting the right SharePoint ticketing system for your business, it is also important to thoroughly evaluate the user interface and experience (UI/UX). Factor whether the interface is intuitive for both submitters and support agents and offers seamless navigation. Additionally, see if the customization options to tailor the interface match your company branding and workflows effectively. Likewise, do not disregard the significance of mobile friendliness, i.e. ensuring the system is accessible and functional on mobile devices.
  • Scalability and flexibility: It is of imperative significance that you think about the ticketing system's flexibility and adaptability. So, see if the system can accommodate the anticipated growth in the volume of tickets over time. Besides that, you should also explore the system's capability to integrate new features and functionalities as your business evolves. Make sure that the system is also customizable to adapt to changing processes and requirements effectively.
  • Mobile accessibility: Assess if the system offers a dedicated native mobile app for seamless real-time access and if its web interface is optimized for mobile devices. In addition to that, evaluate if the system offers offline capabilities to allow users to submit and track tickets even without an internet connection.

Final Words

A thorough evaluation of such factors aligned with your business requirements will help you pick a SharePoint-based ticketing system that effectively streamlines support processes, boosts team efficiency, etc.

Author's Bio: 

Kaushal Shah manages digital marketing communications for the enterprise technology services provided by Rishabh Software.