Do you have a friend who is just about perfect? You know what I mean—she has hair to die for, gorgeous skin, wears killer clothes and always smells divine?
I have one of those friends. But rather than hate her, I admire her…she’s so very special!
So I said to her. “I wish I could be like you. “ I sighed. “Tall and statuesque.”
“Ha! Look at you” she said with a giggle. “And what are you? A size zero?”
We laughed. “NO,” I said, “Four petite.”
“Good. Because anyone who wears a size zero is not my friend.”
We both giggled like high school girls.
But what she said was quite profound. You and I should do the same—refuse to have friends who wear zero—in the encouragement department, that is. A friend who offers zero support. A friend who offers zero empathy. Zero wisdom . Zero understanding and nada of genuine love. Those are taken off our list of friends.
Conversely, if you want to be a friend with an extra-large amount of wisdom and love, here are the secrets to be that kind of friend:
1. Evaluate what you bring to the friendship : understanding, joy, positive thoughts and attitudes.
2. Be slow to criticize. To keep count of wrongs. To react without thinking. And to discourage.
3. Be quick to praise. To uplift the spirits. To highlight the good. To be available. And to surprise with sweet gestures.
And when talking about what size of love we wear in our heart, our words are the measuring stick: “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (Ephesians 4:2).
Father, grant me the wisdom to speak all that is edifying, encouraging, uplifting and honoring to you. Make me the friend Jesus is—with genuine love and sincere giving. In Jesus’ name, amen.
• How do your friends enrich your life?
• Are you the kind of friend you want to be?
• What criteria do you use to evaluate friends?

Author's Bio: 

May I tell you why I chose to dance? Not because life was great or my days were easy. I chose to dance because I found significance in life despite being completely blind. I found joy even in the midst of heartache. And I found forgiveness in the harshness of injustice.

So, dear reader, I write insights and practical steps for you because I believe all of us, way, way deep in the basement of our soul, want to find significance. We want to make our life count, reach happiness, taste success, and spend nights in peaceful sleep.

But sometimes we can't. Life's trials get in the way. So, in the pages of all my writings, including my two books: Trials of Today, Treasures for Tomorrow: Overcoming Adversities in Life and in my #1 bestselling, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God's Fiesta, I take you through the path most people miss--it's simple, not complicated. The insights are for you, for your tough moments and times of doubt.

And with gentleness yet with a bit of sass, I show you the secrets to make your life count, find peace and soar to success that has nothing to do with a bank account.

So, treat yourself. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in with one of my books. Here's a gentle warning: prepare to shed a few tears, laugh a little and to be changed as you will see a sweeter reflection when you look in the mirror.

You'll see why life isn't about what you cannot do because of situations out of your control. Rather, success comes when you recognize what you can do with what God has given you.

When I moved from Bolivia to the United States, I brought my passion, my Latina flair and outward affection. I include them all in my writings, which will delight you because they're drawn from the one true, trustworthy and never-changing Word of God.

I dance each time I learn one of my colorful stories is published. To date, they're in more than 30 compilation books such as Chicken Soup for the Soul and hundreds of publications such as Guidepost magazine.

And because inspiration is a daily need, I write blogs to inspire you and brighten your day at

Did I tell you that when I met my blue-eyed gringo during my last semester in college, I never dreamed he'd be my husband and the love of my life for 36 years? He's often my eyes as he drives me everywhere and sits with me on the floor while we play with our two grandbabies.

We make our home in Florida, known as the sunshine state. And coincidently, Jesus, the son of God is who brings a sweet shine to the state of my soul.