Ever since I began seeing my private therapy and coaching clients, over two decades ago, I have been longing to work with a Virtual Assistant. In fact, I wanted this type of personal assistance to help me cope with my family , my relationships, my career path, and even my health many years before this type of service became available online.

When I was single, I would often choose a partner who looked good physically or sounded wonderful at first but proved to be either emotionally or financially bereft – and I thought I had made another “bad” choice.
When I had sports injuries, back spasms, finger and wrist fractures, I sought a physician to fix the problem and some skilled body therapists to help me feel better.
When I had relationship concerns, miscommunications, and unfair treatment I shared my “poor me” woes with a friend or acquaintance who might be willing to listen but could not really help.
And when I started building an online business I took many group mentoring, private coaching, and ongoing training sessions, yet I managed to feel increasingly overwhelmed and inadequate.

Since I had spent a lifetime seeking outside assistance, rather than discovering, trusting and relying upon my own inner strength my progress was always impeded by seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Always looking outside instead of inside is a prescription for mediocrity at best and complete failure at worst.

Recently, I finally found the virtual assistant who is ready, willing and able to help me with all of my current needs. I could not have found this person in the usual suggested ways. I did not find her through a strategically placed ad. I did not meet her at a networking event. I did not even connect with her through a friend’s referral.

I found my new virtual assistant by meeting an old tennis buddy for breakfast. As we talked, for 3 hours, we discovered that what I need help with at this point is exactly the type of assistance she is ready, willing and eager to provide. Our needs match perfectly.

Why has it taken me so long to find and hire the right assistant? Let me begin by explaining exactly what a Virtual Assistant is and does. According to Wikipedia:

A Virtual Assistant…VA… generally provides professional administrative, technical, or creative (social) assistance to clients remotely….Professionals in this business work on a contractual basis and long-lasting cooperation is standard.

Yes, it looks as if I found my virtual assistant out there in the body and mind of this person. But truth be told, “When the student is ready the teacher appears.” When I trust in God, in the energies of the universe, in nature’s natural processes, then there is no need for me to struggle, to feel overwhelmed, and to expect what is not here yet.

All I need to do is hold my vision, share that vision with others, take the next steps that appear right in front of me to be taken, keep focusing on my distant goal, and rest in the reassurance that the forces for good are being implemented. It does not happen in My time. It happens in God’s time. The process cannot be speeded up but it can easily be slowed down, impeded and blocked.

How do I know this is true? I have been steeped in studying the universal laws and I have had many first hand experiences of exactly how this works. Let me share with you some of the books that continue to inspire me, all published originally many years ago.

*The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (1910)
*Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937)
*Working with the Law by Raymond Holliwell (1964)
*The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price (1952)
*Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Jr. (1972)

It may appear to the outer world that I have found a virtual assistant, this friend, to work with me. But what really happened is that I connected with the Ultimate Virtual Assistant, the lord of the universe, the universal law of abundance, prosperity and success. When I am following my heart, feeling, acknowledging and living in the presence of that invisible power, there is nothing more I need to do.

This same principle works when you are seeking love and feel as though there is nobody out there for you. If you go within, discover the truth that lies within you - your desires, your needs, your dreams , and your capacity for love - without pushing and trying and struggling, love will appear as if by magic. Trust in this principle and it WILL work for you.

Are you ready to connect with the Ultimate Virtual Assistant to improve Your life, Your relationships and Your financial and business success?

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Erica Goodstone, a Spiritual Relationship Healing Expert, Licensed Professional Counselor, Marriage Counselor and Sex Therapist helps men and women heal their bodies and their relationships through love. Her Love Me, Touch Me, Heal book and Kindle book series are available at http://budurl.com/MyKindleBooks . Begin to heal now with your own virtual assistant, the inexpensive Healing Through Love Seminar at http://budurl.com/8AudioSeminar . Find out more about her services and schedule an appointment at http://www.DrEricaWellness.com .