As time continue to pass by, scientists over time have come to the conclusion that there is more than what meets the eye when it comes to matters concerning nature. Physical laws are just conclusions drawn based on years of scientific observations and experiments which are repeated over and over under different conditions to reach inferences which can be accepted worldwide. These are continuously validated by the scientific community over time. It is extremely hard to explain how certain things occur, they are simply phenomena. Physics comes in place to try and come up with plausible explanations and answers as to why some things turn out how they do. The laws that guide physics are therefore considered to be fundamental, although many of them refer to theoretical systems that are hard to replicate currently in the real world. Like other fields of science, new laws of physics build on or modify existing laws and theoretical research. Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, which he developed in the early 1900s, builds on the theories first developed more than 200 years earlier by Sir Isaac Newton.

Newton's three laws of motion, govern how the motion of physical objects changes. They define the fundamental relationship between the acceleration of an object and the forces acting upon it. The three laws are as follows: The first rule states that an object will remain at rest or in a uniform state of motion unless that state is changed by an external force.

Moreover, the second rule states that force is equal to the change in momentum (mass times velocity) over time. In other words, the rate of change is directly proportional to the amount of force applied.

Furthermore, the third rule states that for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. Together, these three principles that Newton outlined form the basis of classical mechanics, which describes how bodies behave physically under the influence of outside forces.

Newton's law of motion is very important because they tie into almost everything we see in everyday life. These laws tell us exactly how things move or sit still, like why you don't float out of bed or fall through the floor of your house. Newton's laws control how cars work, how water flows, how buildings don't fall down, and basically how everything around us moves. Once you are well conversant with the Newton’s Law of motion you will be able to understand how things take place. On the plus side you will also be able to learn how to maneuver and make work easier. You will be able to complete tasks within a short span of time without affecting the quality of the work, efficiency and effectiveness is key. Physics is all around us. We can find Physics as the backbone for any daily life example such as an electric light, electricity, the working of our vehicle, wristwatch, cell phone, CD player, radio, plasma TV set, computer, and the list goes on. Hence, we should have an idea on physics to make our lives easier and smooth going.

Author's Bio: 

Hi,This is Mohimenul Islam. Who is a professional SEO Specialist & Blogger. He has been working since 2015. He loves to share his stories, tips, tricks and teach online readers.