“How are we doing with time?” I asked hubby.

He stuffed my suitcase in the trunk. “You’ve got plenty of time.”

Expectation bubbled up in me. I was heading to St. Louis for my high school reunion.

As we reached the airport, he pulled the car beside the curb in front of the Southwest counter to drop me off, and said, “It will be a fun weekend.”

I grinned. “I think so.”

“I’m talking about me,” he said.

Funny guy. But he was right. With me gone, he would have a fun weekend. Without my endless “to do” list, my honey was going to, indeed, have fun and relax!

Then I thought about his “doing” for me which has no limit. And today being his birthday, I sing gratitude to the Lord for him, his tender heart, his giving nature and his incredible patience.

But even hubby’s patience doesn’t compare to that of Jesus. When we’re in the middle of a chaotic fiesta of stress, the drums of anxiety are blaring. No wonder we can’t hear when Jesus, draws near, extends His hand, with His gentle and humble heart, and in a loving whisper says, “Come to me.”

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

Father, I confess I am burdened and weary. I admit that I allow the demands of life to trample over me. But I will accept your invitation to come to you. To learn from you. I will instead, accept the rest you give, the load that is light and easy. Thank you for setting us free, knowing you have the answer in the midst of a hectic world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

What does your life look like these days?
Where do you find rest for your soul?
Have you learned the secret to overcome your burdened life?

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Hey friends, a bit of sass and passion framed in God’s Word is what you’ll find in all my writing. The above is an insight from my #1 bestselling inspirational book, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta, Judson Press, 2011. Get your copy today at: http://amzn.to/pwDntn .

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