Have you ever noticed we are exactly the same but different?Biologically we have exactly the same molecular structure, though emotionally we are all very different. The vast majority of us are born with one heart, two lungs and a brain along with the opportunity to breathe and live each day, though here the similarities stop.

Emotionally, we are the result of our environment and the people who raised us. What we feel and think is the result of our experience. It is impossible for us to make a decision based on the experience of another. We can consult and ask others for information but in the end it’s our perception which forms the foundation for our decisions.

Frequently we say, “You are wrong,” or, “That isn’t done that way!” In our mind we are right and we wouldn’t say such things if they didn’t form an integral part of our belief system. Nevertheless, are we always right? Do we always know the best way to do something? Obviously, this is not the case.

As we reflect on the fact that we are simply one more in the mass of humanity, the thought is humbling. There are more than 6.9 billion people on Earth and each has a particular way of seeing the world. Some are newborn babies just starting out in life while others are on their last steps of existence as we know it. We are all special and are all the result of the magical process which gives us life.

Though we know this to be true and instinctively know it makes sense, we get caught up with other people who think and act in a way different from our own. We often get hung up emotionally when someone doesn’t agree with our particular vision of the world.

Why is this important?

When we realize the world does not revolve around us, we find there are different ways of seeing and analyzing things. We realize there is no limit to the number of different ways to accomplish any task or objective. We realize the physical and emotional needs of others frequently go far beyond anything we can possibly imagine. We realize that for every person who goes to bed hungry for food, there are thousands who go to bed hungry for attention and affection. We realize our ability to positively influence others is infinite.

Life is far too short to limit ourselves to our own personal experience and perception. Thanks to technological advancements, we can communicate with anyone in the world in an instant. We can be the impetus which makes a tremendous difference in someone’s life. When we rid ourselves of our natural tendency to focus on our own problems and challenges, we open up a world of possibilities to be something exceptional for someone special rather than being just one more in the mass of humanity.

© 2011 Rob McBride

It's the Bounce that Counts!

+58 414 328 6411
BB PIN: 22B04433 www.RobMcBride.net

© 2011 Rob McBride
All Rights Reserved

Author's Bio: 

I am a public speaker who motivates, inspires and trains people. My keynotes, seminars and
workshops enhance effectiveness and increase corporate productivity with concrete, dynamic
tools which enable people to take control of their professional direction and destiny.

The content for my events and writing are based on the fundamentals of “It’s the Bounce that Counts.”
I utilize my professional experience and education to convey clear concise ideas which empower
professional and personal excellence.


Master of Business Administration in International Business,
American Graduate School of International Management
(Thunderbird), Glendale, Arizona, USA, 1985
Bachelor of Science in Administration,
University of Colorado, USA, 1984


Author and Speaker, Venezuela, since 2002
Seligman International, Marketing Director, Argentina, 1999 ~ 2002Merrill Lynch, Financial Consultant, Caracas, Venezuela, 1992 ~ 1999
Liberty Financial Securities, Senior Investment Manager, Colorado, USA, 1986 ~ 1992


It’s the Bounce that Counts - Principle behind my work
Eppa² - Formula designed to achieve personal and professional success
Lunar Letter - Newsletter published with each full moon designed to motivate and inspire
A Special Gift - My first book which develops an action plan to lead a more plentiful and productive life
Little by Little We Go Far - Rob's second book which defines the principle "It's the Bounce that Counts!"
44 in a Row, 44 to Go - Biography which is a compilation of my reflections during my first 44 years
Momentos Mágicos - A journey which contemplate our ability to create "Magical Moments
Just Call Me Betty - Biographical book dedicate to the loving memory of my mother
"Seeds of Success" - Daily phrases designed to motivate and inspire