The opthamologist online database provides listings for eye doctors providing care for infections in states all across the US including New York, Texas, Florida, Nebraska, California, and more. This invaluable resource provides instant contact information and quick access to needed emergency eye care.

The opthamologists online database provides an invaluable resource to eye doctor listings in states all across the US. This thorough database provides instant information for urban, rural, and suburban areas in states including: New York, Nebraska, Hawaii, Maine, New Mexico, Florida, and more. Simply enter your zip code and receive instant contact information including phone number, address, and website for physicians in your local area. This article provides information on treating infections and their potential complications.

Opthamologists provide specialized treatment for preventing infections, including conjunctivitis. This typical eye infection is commonly known as pinkeye and should be diagnosed and treated in the local eye doctors office. Infections must be treated differently, even though they are very similar in nature. There are several types of conjunctivitis and each has different treatments. The technical name is Madras, which is inflammation within the conjunctiva. This illness is quite common for children due to the contagious nature. It is easily passed from school desks to child, doorknob to adult, and so one. A requirement of 24 hour confinement away from school is required. This contagious infection must be properly diagnosed and treated by a physician, who will determine how to treat the illness. Allergic reactions can also cause the membranes of the eye to become painfully inflamed and can produce watery eyes, itching, excess discharge, fluid, and swelling. It can swell and stick shut from both allergies and Madras. Simply lay a waste warm towel over the closed eyelid to dissolve any sticky substance that may have hindered the eyelid from opening. The warm towel should not be shared between both eyes and should be used to gently wipe the affected area. Do not share washcloths or towels with others, as this may spread infection. Receive a diagnosis and obtain treatment through a physician by simply entering your zip code into the opthamologists database.

Proper treatment can be obtained through an opthamologist office. This common infection is easily treated. If an allergen is the cause, a referral to an allergist may be obtained. An allergic reaction is not contagious. The symptoms are very similar to the infectious form of conjunctivitis, however it is not contagious. Your allergist may recommend avoidance of certain foods or environmental substances such as pollen, dander, etc. Allergen testing will provide a proper diagnosis and will assist you in determining what changes must take place in your lifestyle to avoid the allergen. For example, cat dander is a common allergen. Bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious. This infection can spread not only both our eyes but to others within the household. Special attention must be taken to avoid touching the contaminated area and to avoid sharing makeup, towels, and washcloths. More than one bacterium can be involved and the discharge is a sticky substance in a yellow or green color. A gritty sensation may affect the eye. Rinse the eye with warm water to sooth the area and to remove this undesirable grittiness. This type of infection does not require antibiotics and will clear up within seven days. Viral conjunctivitis is also contagious and is the result of cold like symptoms. This type of infection can be treated with an antibiotic. Within days the eyes will clear up and the grittiness will leave. Antihistamines may be suggested for allergic reactions. Contact your local opthamologist today and visit your eye doctor to receive a proper evaluation.

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